
Yeah, that was something.

From needs to slow down just a bit. Bloodborne came out three months ago and has yet to release any DLC! I'm still going to immediately buy Dark Souls 3, when it is released, but give it some time!

Really? Intriguing, I'll have to check it out.

They wouldn't if they knew the horror…

No, he's probably CEO, now. That level of non-speak is otherworldly.

Man, From can't even make death peaceful, can they?

The correct answer for anything XCOM would be: death by chrysalid.

I will use my most pathetic death for this question. I would last 15 minutes into Dark Souls 2, when I decide to test out my sorcerer's staff on some monkey-things. Did you know they could make you bleed? Because they can make you bleed. Lesson learned: don't shoot a monkey-thing in the face with magic.

Great questions, again! Apparently, vomiting was too gauche for E3. I guess it's back to the drawing board and try harder next year, in order to obtain a Gameological pin.

I once heard on a conference call a dude say, "We need to leverage the synergy of our organizational matrix." My brain temporarily shut down, after hearing that.

That's just depressing.

Who would want that? [dodges rotten vegetables]

There is that. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm just not keen on the VR stuff. I want to see one of the big CEOs put that sucker on and vomit 5 minutes in. It'd be great.

Agreed. Bloodborne's level design was fantastic, as was DS1's. Needless to say my expectations will be sky high.

[gives Factfindingmission all of my money]


And open it and see a game labeled "The Last Guardian" inside.

I didn't want to upvote that, but it was well done.

It's the A team for DS3, which is great news.

Pfffft!!! Whatever, that only makes complete sense.