
I don't really mind it, I'm just whining because I can't fly through the early sections in relative safety. The panic that's induced when you all of a sudden see a Pursuer you weren't expecting to be there, is quick and overwhelming. Pursuer fights are generally exciting, though, so it's not entirely bad. You are

Sorcerer is the best, but I had a ton of fun with my dex build. Once you get the Balder Side Sword and the Hunter's Black Bow, you're golden.

Have faith! Once you get the dodging down and a weapon upgraded, you will be a Bloodborne killing machine. You can do it!

You can never go wrong with Dark Souls.

Lead the Chikage hunter back down the stairs in the Grand Cathedral and bring poison knives and numbing mists. At some point he will try to walk slowly backwards up the stairs, that's when you use the poison knives. If you keep him at a medium distance, he will two-hand the Chikage, which will reduce his health and

Pffffft!!!! Whatever, man, that excuse only sounds totally reasonable.

Walk away from the computer and see Mad Max right now.

You broke your ankle doing some karate moves or something as equally as awesome, right?

The Chikage hunter's shotgun is what makes him so hard. Three shots from that thing and your toast. That and him healing himself quite a bit. Bosses that heal are a pain in the ass.

I will be playing Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. The new enemy placement is really throwing me off. I'm confused by some of the decisions, such as, several statues blocking paths that were previously open (especially in Things Betwixt) and the addition of approximately 100 Pursuers (seriously, the hell is

I want the Doof Warrior to ride on the top of my car every morning on the way to work.


The author of the article, Nick Wanserski.


All chaps are assless chaps.

That sounds reasonable. I'll let it slide. Carry on.

Which is adorable and super fluffy, but odd. Humans make terrible beds.

I've only had one dog (my current pet), but was instantly amazed at how excited it was when I came home from work. AND it listens to me 75% of the time!

My old cat did a combination of those two things. He would either lay next to my head (on rare occasions ON my head) and put his paw on my lips. If I was snoring, he would sometimes put his paw in my mouth. In hindsight, I think he was trying to smother me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on! You traded in Bloodborne?