
I have played all of the Souls games and got destroyed quite a bit in the beginning, too, so you're doing just fine.

What was the game that you played (I watched a couple of your videos) that was a rip-off of Uncharted?

Yes, the downloading is very fast, compare to a PS3. For instance, it took 8 minutes for that 2.5 GB patch to download and install, compared to the probably 12 hours it would've take on my PS3.

Definitely get PS Plus, it is worth the money. Also, a new HDD would not be a bad idea. A lot of the patches for games take up a lot of room. Bloodborne's new patch is around 2.5 GB.

Hey, everybody! An old man's talking!

All you need is Garrus, anyway. As far as the MaleShep goes, the voice acting is several steps down from Jennifer Hale. It can be a little grating.

So did you have your HitlerShep kill Mordin, too?

The only funny thing I have seen Game Grumps do is Zelda taking selfies in the Ganondorf fight in Wind Waker.

Something about painting on the negatives is eerily beautiful. It's unsettling, but I can't look away.

You're a monster.

Wolfenstein: The New Order was surprisingly great on the PS4 and it is super cheap, right now.

I've watched Let's Plays by our very own Merve. Mainly his play through of Murdered: Soul Suspect and some weird Uncharted rip-off. Very entertaining stuff. EDIT: They were on Youtube, so they weren't technically Let's Plays. Get off my back!

Dammit, Bill McGillicutty! Now, it is stuck in my head, again!

The guy emerging from the other person's chest is very reminiscent of Takashi Miike, but please tell me there is no fatality similar to the birth scene in Gozu.

That's why I lean more towards Teti's style. Can we both agree, though, that Erik has amazing hair?

I will see you Erik Adams and raise you John Teti!

That's a good point. I just figured Triple Triad would be strong enough to stand on its own. Of course, this could just be nostalgia talking, since I haven't played it in about 12 years.

Oh, heroin, is there anything you can't do?

Russell Simins is a beast.

That's one of the reasons I chose a bun for my FemShep.