
Demon's Souls is the hardest out of the lot. Very long stretches in between bonfires and a very similar layout to Bloodborne where you have to open shortcuts. The atmosphere is great, but I never finished it after experiencing several cheap deaths (hello spear through the corner of a wall). I am almost to the last

I just watched the Bloodletting Beast. Fuck. Did you beat it?

Ugh, I was getting excited about the dungeons, until I read this.

That's a good question. I know DS2 wasn't this hard on NG+. I think in NG+ on DS1 I was able to fly through the game up until the goddamn Capra Demon. The only thing that is making NG+ bearable is I have the fighting style down and bosses that gave me a huge fit (BSB I'm looking at you) were easier to deal with,

The ending was pretty obscure, even for a From Software game. I am back in the Forbidden Forest in NG+. In my original run, my +10 Ludwig's blade (weilded one-handed) could kill the generic baddies in Central Yharnam with one swipe. In NG+ it takes three to four swipes to kill those same enemies. Now, I know NG+

Those things suuuuucked. Just like in Yahar'gul, I ran as fast as my character would let me, past them.

This was my question, too, and it seemed odd that the type of game it was was left out of the article.

Cainhurst is a great level, though.

I'm not sure if you can parry Paarl, I never tried. I don't know what the size cutoff for parring is or if there is one. Hmmm…

I've been waiting for this!

The Reapers. They were designed to do one thing: kill all advanced civilizations every 10,000 years, so new ones can evolve. They never lose their focus and they can never be reasoned with, but at least you know what you're dealing with: single-minded AI. Also, they splode real good once you get their mass effect

The one thing about Bloodborne being faster is armor weight is not considered in a player's movement. This makes a HUGE difference in combat, considering if your equipment was too heavy, you would "fat roll". In Bloodborne no matter how your character is built, it will move at the same speed. That is one major

I will say that a Souls death is less frustrating than a death in other games because it is expected and mostly are "fair" (weird camera angle deaths make you curse life, though). Dying in a game like Uncharted because of the rumblin', bumblin', stumblin' Nathan Drake does is way more infuriating than getting a

I'd buy THAT for a dollar!

Friggin' Carmel and Fishers.

Would you have enjoyed DA:I more if the Condiment King was the Big Bad?

I agree about the vigors feeling out of place in Infinite, but all is forgiven because of Feast of Crows. That vigor never gets old.

If you killed that hunter, you have a clear run straight to Rom. Good luck with that fight.

The ones that scale best with strength from what I've seen are the Kirkhammer and Ludwig's Holy Blade (which has a B scaling in strength AND skill; so it's a good quality build weapon). I would imagine the Rifle Spear, Reiterpallasch (rapier), and Blades of Mercy are good skill weapons.

The broadsword is alright, it just depends on your build. If you're going for a strength build the mace is good, but I prefer the Craftsman's Hammer (straight B scaling in strength and very light, but hits like a truck). The uchi is only okay in DS2 and there is no Balder Side Sword equivalent. If you are going for