
Are you KIDDING ME?! That's what that note does?! Dammit, I wasted at least three insight trying to summon someone, when I got disconnected and the game went to the title screen! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
[destroys computer in rage]

Is the embargo similar to the deal Tomb Raider has with XBox?

Those "ten thousand of dollars" aren't going to earn themselves.

You beat the Blood-Starved Beast? Any tips other than having a boat load of antidotes?

Did he fall off the ladder? That happened for me and I found it quite humorous.

I've co-oped on the Cleric Beast and Father G and it worked just fine, but it took about 5 minutes before a person showed up, so it needs a bit of tweaking. One thing I noticed is if you look at the connection settings, you have two options: "local" and "worldwide". I have kept mine on "local", but maybe the co-op

That character reminds my a lot of the Undead Merchant in Dark Souls: a little unhinged, but relatively harmless.

I met the flamethrower wielding guy. It did not end well.

This was posted a while back.

I copped out and lowered the difficulty on that section. It was just too much and way to many baddies for me to handle at once.

I would like to see a game model its artwork around the impressionists, specifically Degas. I guess a ballerina game would work best in this scenario.

Thanks, I was wondering what the hell that stat did.

Child of Light is a great game, if you can get past the forced rhyming dialogue.

You could buy the cleaver? Dang, how'd I miss that? I bought the Kirkhammer, which is badass.

I picked the axe for my starter weapon. I would imagine the cleaver is very similar.

XCOM can be just as unforgiving as Bloodborne and both are fantastic.

I sometimes forget I have the gun (wish the blunderbuss did more damage) and just continually dodge and whale away on things with the saw spear. The Father Guido fight was awesome. The Blood-Starved Beast is currently kicking my ass.

Is it jammed with a whole lot of BLOODBORNE?

Between the limericks and this well timed quote, you're killing it, this week, Your Holiness!

No! No! Bad Whovian!