
Uncharted 5: Hey, Man, Stop Murdering Everyone!

They could've eliminated this confusion by having someone say: "Look! Great auks!"

And the apex predator Anne of Green Gables.

Assassination by anvil dropped onto someone's head needs to be added to the game.

Shit, yes. Dumpsters are perfect. You just blew my sarcastic comment right out of the water.

What is this series going to rely on for hiding spaces, when this game enters the modern era? Hay bales aren't just laying around in cities, anymore. Are they going to start hiding in telephone booths?

Fantastic article! Never played this, but it will be added to my queue.

I think an LA Noire version of Clue would be entertaining.

FF7 Knights of the Round!! [dodges rotten vegetables]

I'd be hammered in two hours.

Dark Souls is the other 1%. That game won't even let you enjoy a beer break. Friggin' Dark Souls.

Awesome! I can't read the first half of this article because I don't want to know anything about DA:I, before I play it. Stew-Bum's Assassins list was great, though.

It's okay, you probably got lost thinking about Derek's dreamy eyes and typed the first Carr that popped into your head.

Damn. That stinks, man. Dark Souls not only crushes your spirit, but destroys your console. Friggin' Dark Souls.

The saddest thing about bear-man is you can see him mouthing "rowr". This team and fans depress me. Is it time for Cubs baseball, yet?

It Manningface. Manningface makes people look like they have indigestion.

If you could put some of those ribs in an envelope and mail them to me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

My wife on David Carr: "Is he wearing eyeliner or does he just have pretty lashes?" I hope it is both.

Boo-urns about the PS3. Did you lose your save files?