
I applaud #4.

I don't think aliens would recognize if humans have a good sense of humor or not. Humor is not only culturally specific, but species specific, too. My dog doesn't care if I tell a really funny joke (which is all the time); conversely, I am not entertained my killing bunnies. So, how would an alien species, which

Delicious! I'l take two.

It's better than drip, drip, drip, right?

Agreed. It's much easier to call that person a douchebag, but that'd be petty.

Nobody messes with @PaganPoet:disqus on our watch!

That name made me laugh way harder than it should have. Well done.

Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you: The Lowest Common Denominator.

High five for having the same reaction at the same time!

So you wasted seven people's time?

One of my black out nights I was walking around my dorm with my trash can under my arm, in case I puked, which I kept very loudly referring to it as my "gas tank". Flash forward several months later and I was back home for summer vacation and stopped to get ice cream. A girl working behind the counter, whom I have

What are your thoughts on Major Franchise Sequential Numeral Dash Numeral? I thought Major Franchise Sequential Number did a good enough job referring to Bland Male Anti-Hero's past, that we didn't need the Major Franchise Sequential Numeral Dash Numeral prequel.

Not seasonally, no. I do tend to play Final Fantasy Tactics once a year, though.

Great discussions, once again, this week. Let's all give everyone a nice round of applause!

@QoheletTzadak:disqus's response is very helpful. The shear amount of ways the story can go in this game is mind-boggling.

I have blacked out maybe three time in my life. Two were on Steel Reserve. The stories the next day were not very kind.

The only reason I remembered to use it was Wynne quietly said: "Quick use the Rite of Annulment!" It was barely audible over the fight sound effects and music. I can see it being erally easy to miss.

I'm sure it's a thing, but why is there not an eggnog stout?

That would classify Steel Reserve as a good beer and I just cannot accept that.

I haven't seen them either. Are they a Michigan only release? Do you have to physically go to the brewery to get them?