Can we keep the political garbage in the garbage and keep this site / forum dedicated to cars?
1. This is a post about the CEO of the most valuable car company on the planet.
2. Cars are political.
Harris kicked tRump’s treasonous ass, and will again in November when it counts most. His tariff based “economic plan” is just an idiotic brainfart.
“Unions and illegal immigrants are what’s killing our economy but Kamala hates the UAW not me”
“Victor Orban says I’m the best President this country ever had.”
Don’t forget - “They’re eating our pets!”
I don’t like giving Trump any serious review, on account of his being an awful trash person, but his description of how tariffs work is tooth-grinding. OF COURSE tariffs make goods more expensive to people in the purchasing country, because that’s what a Tariff does.
Tech bros are the modern day conmen.
No explanation, but I’m a self professed liberal car and motorcycle enthusiast and I’ve noticed that as far as political affiliation goes, liberals are a minority in the motor enthusiast space. I’ve had everything from shitbox Miatas to a brand new Porsche and everything in between for the last 20-odd years and a lot…
It seems like, at least sometimes, he drove a car through the door.
What are the parents doing? Then again, if the parents are arrested, this kid will go in to the foster system and continue to commit crimes. If he stays with his parents, he’ll continue to commit crimes without the baggage of being a foster child. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Next time, amend state laws so…
“but their efforts are severely hampered by the fact he’s too young to be arrested or jailed for most nonviolent offenses under the state’s juvenile justice laws.”
I would say that the stereotype comes from the traditional masculine values that underpin cars, fixing and upgrading them. At least now, to be a Democrat, there are many values that would erode those stereotypes or call them patriarchal, misogynistic, etc.
Of all of those things, about the only one that isn’t entirely duplicated by the smartphone the passenger almost certainly already has and is using, is the passenger side environmental controls. And those have existed in many cars for about twenty years, even without touchscreens. I don’t see those even needing the…
Passenger screens are stupid. I hope this is a passing fad. Replacing the instrument cluster with a just a screen plopped down without any integration to the interior design already ruins the interior. But maybe that’s the point. Put screens everywhere so that designers don’t have to work as hard and car makers don’t…
These giant gas stations are cool, but the amount of people parking at a gas stall to walk inside and disappear for an hour is too damn high. Don’t go to these big gas stations on weekends.
Typically attorney receives between 30-35% of judgment and reimbursement for any litigation costs advanced on behalf of Client. Apparently there was a single plaintiff so no one to split judgment with.