
I need to tow my motorcycles to different tracks hours and hours away. I’m not gonna recharge every 100 or so miles.

Infrastructure, mostly.   We just bought an Outback and EVs didn’t hit our radar because we live in a townhouse and the charging options at home don’t really exist.  I expect this will be our last fully ICE vehicle, but a plug in hybrid or full EV may not be the best answer depending on where we’re living in 7-10

Prefer a vehicle I can take on long trips without a hassle.  Definitely interested in plug in hybrids.

E4 mafia, that takes me back. Bundle of DWIs, gang bangs of each other’s drunk wives, literally drinking at their desks in the shop before driving home to the point the whole shop was prohibited from ever having alcohol onsite for any reason. Oh, & talking their personal cells into the secure room b/c they ‘forgot’ it

I don’t know what you did in the service, but anything Walz did far outweighed JD Vance’s skate. Just because you’re “in country” doesn’t mean you’re automatically doing anything meaningful. Vance is scum, and his “military service” was pussy deluxe.

he was a pr flack for 6 months and only “served” 5 years for the GI bill. keep lubing up that dolphin skin couch though!


The timeline’s backwards. He put in his resignation *before* his unit was notified, at the same time he gave notice at the school he was teaching at, so he could focus on his Congressional campaign.

Yes it does. My wife’s car (not a Kia/Hyundai) got broken into while street parked at work in the middle of winter. Luckily they were just looking for valuables and didn’t try to break into the steering column, but she had to drive a half hour home with no passenger side window in single digits. Luckily she had a good

Not true, he retired two months before the notification came for his unit. Nevermind, that you don’t usually retire like you quit a job. Paperwork needs to be filed months, if not a year in advance.

Stop embarrassing yourself, child. You’re shitting on your own service with your behavior here.

[Hyundai-Kia HQ, interior. The CEO and his Board are gathered around the big table in the good conference room up on Seven.]

Combat service? What combat did he engage in, in his air conditioned office?

Writing press releases from an air conditioned office in Baghdad is truly, truly patriotic stuff that only a couch fucker like JD can accomplish.

Still sucks to walk out of your home to see broken windows and a dismantled steering column.,his%20unit%20got%20deployment%20orders. You are excused from this conversation.

Further fucking more, you troglodyte, no one in the military gets a choice on where they deploy. You go where the government tells you to go. If the Minnesota NG was told to go to Italy, that’s where they go. If JD Vance’s unit was told to go to Iraq, that’s where they go. The locations of their deployments could

Nice mental gymnastics you’ve got on display there.

6 months in an air conditioned office is more like it.

I can’t emphasize this enough. We AD-ers made fun of NG but it was all in good brotherly/sisterly fun. I did my 20 and I made it to the SNCO corps, so I feel I have...SOME right to speak out about how lopsided it is trying to convince people that a 1-tour Marine is somehow better than a guy who was frocked to CSM and