
I use my sick hours when I want, sick or not. If you don’t want your employees to use sick days, then you shouldn’t let them have it at all. Then watch your staff move on to other companies that respect employees more than you.

I’d just buy a Porsche and keep it stock. Tires and brake pads for track days. Mod money goes in to maintenance fund instead, because you kinda need a maintenance fund.

Who’d have thunk that people involved in classic car sales and restorations were doing illegal stuff?

How else will small towns broadcast daredevil stunts?

Or ya know, auto manufacturers like Toyota are just cutting corners to maximize profit. Ya’ll can’t keep riding the COVID blaming coattails forever.

Sad state of affairs when two of Toyota’s generally most reliable product lines are having major issues.

Imagine having enough money to buy anything you want, going anywhere you want, including space, but still being desperate for the approval of the peasantry. If I had even 0.00005% of a trillion dollars, I’d spend my time going to track days all over the world.

Super clean, but no one should be paying Cayman 987.1 money for an AE86, no matter how hyped and ‘legendary’ it may be.

Couple hundred bucks for 240 whp and a potential voided drivetrain warranty. Or you know, they can offer 240 hp from the factory with a full warranty.

That’s a weird argument defending a $32k supposedly sporty car that barely makes 200 horsepower. Yes, more power so it could pull harder from 30-60. It should pull harder from 30-60 than a Toyota Sienna. Literally the point of sporty variants of econoboxes.

EVs are depreciating faster than the small nicks his minimum monthly payments are making on what he owes. Dude deserves to be in Caleb Hammer’s podcast.

Honda’s MotoGP team did the same thing when MM93 was in his winningest form. Then he got in to that huge, potentially career ending crash(at the time), and Honda held out in hopes of Marquez coming back and winning again instead of developing the bike for their other riders. Now, Honda is doing so incredibly bad

$32K for an SI is insane, considering that it’s objectively and subjectively worse than a 2006 SI. It needs more power and sharper handling. There’s no good reason to buy an new SI over an Elantra N, WRX, GTI, or hell, even the 86 twins. All cars have gotten expensive. Save up more money to put down on any of the SI’s

The literal one time in history that a Ram driver did anything good for anyone else on the roads.

It’s only a matter of time. There are no old and bold squids. His clock is ticking.

Oh I fucking hate that guy. Max Wrist. Really skilled, but a total piece of shit. He’s caused multiple rides to crash by passing them and brake checking in corners. That’s in addition to being a complete squid. I don’t know what higher powers are watching over him, but it’s only a matter of time until he uses up all

He’d just roll coal on you and fly to Mexico.

Tech bros are the modern day conmen.