
At this point, I think legality is the only thing preventing those 50 year olds from picking 12 year olds. They don’t want women, they want adoring doll children they can have sex with.

Men are pretty horrible creatures. More proof that sexuality is not a choice.

Oh, how I wish white women would not describe their behinds with “Oakland booty”. Stop. 

For all I know, Melania is an avid gardener, but for pete’s sake… Can she look comfortable and natural at anything? Cripes, she was a model of some sort? At no point does she seem even human. It boggles the mind. 

I wonder if he learned anything. Like, empathy. Or that the blue wall is only for the purest of white officers.

Acknowledging that the writing from a very horrible era for minorities is why Trump is president? That’s not being woke, that’s just saying, hey, considering other humans animals is actually not a good trait we want to instill in kids.

I will sacrifice to whatever is in charge of the universe for massive wins this fall and an impeachment party that includes every republican until we hit Pelosi levels, plus Neil Gorsuch. I have a stream of interns and work virginity is a thing.

I am gonna give mad props to Megan Bryan for stepping up, calling the racism right out there and offering herself & her privilege as the solution. That’s the fucking allyship I want to see. No prevarication, no dissembling, no fucking bullshit. Now, both of y’all stay safe. White people seem to be set to “nuts” for

Still the best version.

Can I have the romcom with Lucy Liu & Taye Diggs as the focus, because this is the content liberals want. Less of the white white white white middle to upper class WHITE leads. I like those too, lord knows I’ve consumed enough of them, but my first movie had black leads, trans people and it worked. Be bold, Netflix.

As much as I think POC need to take policing jobs in their communities, bullshit like this chief shows why it’s not a solution in total. Fuck him, fuck his protocols. And fuck these cops.

I’ve never used the word “coon” before in my life. I have never seen so many crawl out the woodwork to embody the definition of “coon”.I’m just hoping this is to know who to shun.

“There is no pattern of behavior that would show this is a hate crime,” Cheatham said. “The reality of it, he was intoxicated. He had some mental lapse in judgment.”

He complied. He didn’t go all the way to the floor. They didn’t say anything but they decided it was time for a beat down for someone who:


He broke your shit assaulting you. I would’ve put it all over his desk and told him he needs to pay me back. You didn’t overreact, you were damned polite about it.

If you don’t behave… and me too, since I laughed.

Good. Why do you have to be so fucking cruel, dumbass employee? You don’t have to write nasty things about him, just serve his food. It took less energy to just do your job than be cruel. SMH.

This is the dumbest reality ever. I swear I need to talk to the management.

I wish social media was around… for the last 15 years of my life. Including when I was walking 3 miles to home from work at 1 am because no buses & really no money. I need to have more people film me. Good for him though. he gets to start a new chapter and considering how hard it is to get groceries and deal with