I’m sorry. Very sorry. Only you know what could make you feel better but I hope her heart and mind changes enough to do it.
I’m sorry. Very sorry. Only you know what could make you feel better but I hope her heart and mind changes enough to do it.
Speaking as a NYer who lived in that area, Ms. Mackenzie can heartily engage in copulating with a rusty chainsaw if she doesn’t like it. Mr. Softee was here before her punk ass.
Go you! That’s fantastic. Now, where’s our link to the puppet film? Congratulations!
*Puts on tutu; twirls away*
You’re a raaaaacist, Bill. Black vagina is not the gateway to N-bomb wonderland. Stop thinking it. Stop believing you’re the cool libertarian helping us take back the words. It’s got a history of death, blood and abuse. It’s been exported around the world with that. You have no right to…
Wasn’t this murder caught on tape? How the fuck… I’m so beyond America at this point. It’s like living in a horror movie.
“We should go speed dating, Snarky!”
Men my age are idiots, love. Utter, ageist, lookist, misogynistic, idiots. Men older are just more idiocy, less hair.
I feel you.
I hate to say it, but a lot of Asians who have experienced racism, like my friend’s family who were interned, they voted for Trump. They thought the racism they felt towards the brown folks was justified and that the racism that appealed to them was going to only be aimed at those unworthy browns. Now, it’s dawning on…
I’m traumatised by all that vapid, ignorant white nonsense by Pepsi. Only one of us deserves the trip to Paris, Kendall. P.S., I really hope you don’t work as an actress again. .5 expressions means you don’t have the range.
I love you and have my rhetorical babies.
Thank you! This is some grade a metaphysics pablum Van Jones is pushing and it’s only designed to reach white progressive audiences for whom resolving conflict by consciousness raising makes complete sense. These people hate blacks, latinos, gays and anyone not in those groups who side with them. And they will destroy…
Nothing to excuse. You’re correct.
I think the consequences have to come from we the people. Which means telling lefty organizations to fuck off if they come at you with a damned petition and fundraising query but nothing is about helping people get IDs and getting vote ready this year. Not spring of 2018. Now. We won’t have more than 2 years. My gut…
I was completely in the Fire Comey camp for his violations of the Hatch Act. Now, I’m in the arrest Comey, the entire Trumplandia division of the NYC FBI, as well as Flynn, Manafort & Bannon and charge them with sedition, collaboration and election fraud. Take McConnell with you and toss in Paul Ryan, The 70 Year Old…
Me neither, Rep. Lewis. Glad to see you’re still making all the trouble for all the good. For once, I’d like to see Democrats fighting back with this language and fuck the media trying to gaslight us into accepting this fetid sentient bowel discharge from a trichophagic camel hopped up on rotten tacos.
Bravo, Deadspin, bravo.
I’m not a teacher, but work with a lot college age women. They’re dumbfounded. I had to explain a few things regarding the electoral college, the why of white women voters, and who our real president will be - Mike Pence. All I wanted to do was apologize to them. Adults did fail them. Adults in the media that ignored…
That is an awful, awful, not entirely out of the question thing.
Jaysis. I couldn’t get my then fiance to visit me before I went into surgery. Why are people nicer to obvious scummy types than the real people who are good to them? Rhetorical question.
This man. This motherfucker right here. God, is it November yet?