
Dude is literally a monster:

Nicholas Giampa is the name of the Neo-Nazi who killed his girlfriend’s parents in cold blood. I have no qualms doxxing a murderer.

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

It must be nice to not get shot after kicking a cop.

Everyone knows you don’t mention Sandra Lee in the cards. Otherwise someone might read it out loud, thus summoning her to the center of your tablescape where she won’t leave until she has imbibed every last drop of alcohol in your home, including your blood if you’ve already had a beer or two.

I still at times can’t believe that our love created life!

Star for “President Orange Cock Goblin”

My mother sends the presidential Christmas ornament to my family every year. I was wondering how Cheetolini would mess it up. At first I was surprised as it wasn’t bad, then I looked at the other side of the ornament and he put his initials in big royal fucking font on the back. I have them going back to Bush Jr, the

Where’s the Finger??

Let’s just mind our own business maybe

Thank you for this!

was any other name than “Elsa” even considered? Frozen for 24 years...... The cold never bothered me anyway.

I know this isn’t the best place for it but given how I likely won’t be up for Barf or Dirt Bag later this needs to be said now.

My mom and I are spending the weekend together. I’m the only liberal in a family of southern conservatives that think Trump is THE FUCKING BEST. We were driving in the car and my son out of the blue says “Trump is a racist and a sexist. He hates people that aren’t white and he hates women.” (He’s seven and has been

Ugh you guys this really isn’t the place for my whining, but I when I got home from work my senior citizen diabetic cat who has been struggling for over a year with intermittent insulin resistance, and seemed fine this morning, totally isn’t fine tonight. She’s disoriented, subdued and not really eating and looks a

Cats will never surprise you by turning out to be assholes because they never try to hide it. Not even as kittens. Their core essence is asshole. It’s like suddenly finding out Andy Dick groped some woman before he vomited on her. The only surprise would be the exact location it happened.

Oh, c’mon; this does this look like someone who’s a creepy harasser?

Policies like this exist for several reasons, the foremost of which is to prevent black market dealing out of the back alley (often by employees.) Home retailers like Pier 1 do this too. Another major reason is exclusivity—can’t have the poors looking like folks. Either way, it’s a shitty rationale.