
Rose McGowan is absolutely right. In the NY Times piece, they talk about how women would double up to go into Weinstein’s office, and I thought, where the fuck are the men??? Time to name and shame, ALL OF YOU WHO STOOD BY AND KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING ARE FAIR GAME.

I’m not even ashamed to say watching Louise is like looking in a mirror

Louise is who I want to be when I grow up. (In reality I’m Tina.)

If Louise is a psycho, I don’t wanna be sane.

My Siri is a man and he calls me Master. I am a woman. I love it. It’s been this way for a few years now. Here is how I picture us:

I think it’s advice columnist Carolyn Hax who recommends that when people ask you inappropriately prying questions like that, you look them in the eye and say, in a chilly tone, “Why ever would you ask me that?”

This is a poem that sums up so much of this experience:

That must have caused quite a chakra.

You were well-named, little grasshopper. 💛

I dunno about you, but I’ll take drugs over yoga any day. Come at me.

Not everyone looks good as blonde.

Whenever I hear the name Gunnar, I think of this.

Tangent: I saw a guy at Costco on Friday buying a gun safe. He was wearing a T-shirt that said “I Choked Linda Lovelace.”

Gunner sounds like a black lab. Not a baby.

Gunnar is bad enough, but Gunner?Today? Disgusting. 

Came to say just this. What a world we’re living in.

The name Gunner is bad. While I can’t hate on Speidi for having the baby today (babies gonna arrive when babies gonna arrive) the release of that name this morning takes my opinion from merely “bad” to “very distasteful.”

It’s just as annoying as the ice bucket challenge. And thus, I assume it will be just as effective in raising shit loads of money. If the non-celebs get into it with $10 challenges and nominations, it will become even more annoying and simultaneously even more effective.

Also, maybe you married the wrong person? When that happens we often look for signs of trouble anywhere we can find it. Think about it.