
In less happy news: condolences to Stan Lee as Joan Lee - voice actor, novelist, alleged inspiration for the Fantastic Four, and Stan’s wife of 69 years - died today at 93 after a stroke earlier this week.

I was in a restaurant yesterday, just wanted to relax and look at my email, had ordered and was chilling out at a table that I had chosen that was admittedly away from the rest of the crowd - and a woman walked to the back of the restaurant and decided to use the table smack next to me to change her kid’s diaper. No

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

I’m just saying, this kind of thing never happens at a steakhouse.

They are ashamed the war has become a public spectacle and hurting the family name.

Should have added an ‘me’ on the end of that tatt.

I’m just so tired of this gross performative dysfunction and have been since Jerry Springer distilled it in the 90s.

Member of shitty family is accused of doing shitty things.

Never was there finer proof that money doesn’t buy class.


This seems like one of those ideas that someone pitched to the Mayor as a splashy policy that would generate a lot of “tough love” good publicity, but lord will it have massive amounts of unforeseen (or completely foreseeable from some peoples’ points of view) consequences. For instance; disabled children won’t get a

Natalie Pasdar has filed for divorce

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

Hm, that is not an angle I considered re: hot convict. Interesting idea.

That makes me sad. :(

The little calico looks like my Luna

Today I adopted these badass little girls, so I’m loving the world.