
Yeah, three episodes of witch hunters. I really could have done without. They could have made the twist with Cordelia's husband something much better than it was.

Oh, and I wanted to add... Yeah, I'm sure they will tie things up neatly in the last episode, but I don't watch the show for the "why". I want an experience. It has fallen kind of flat for me this season. Blergh blergh.

I don't get the women dealing the societal pressure/inner demons. There was the rape, sure. Fiona wants to be young forever. Okay. That's about it? Am I missing something? Do I need to look deeper? :P

Lol. I'd say S3 is less traumatic viewing.

Whaaaat???!?!? NOOOooOOOoOOoo

Yeah, this season isn't scary at all. Season 1 was definitely spooktacular. It's more gory than scary.

Yeah, she's great!

I much prefer season 1 to this. Season 1 had its issues (apparently, though I loved it) but was genuinely clever and had some suspense/wonderment to it. It was a creepy show. This... blegh. Not so much. And don't get me wrong, I like some gore. I just feel like there's no sustenance to Coven.

The plot is meh, the character motivations are meh, the characters are alright and interesting, but I feel we don't get a moment to really understand them within the plot. Goddess articulates it beautifully above!

So much this. THIIISSSS.

To be fair, I wasn't crazy about last season, either. I was far more involved with the characters though.

My guess is we haven't seen the last of her. ;p

Am I the only one who keeps getting disappointed by this show? Maybe it's because the creepy intro is so epic. I just... /sigh I wanted it to be so good! SO GOOD. I just feel like it's all over the place. I don't have time to get attached to any of the characters. If any of them die, I honestly do not care. Except for

Because men know best. We are the lesser sex afterall. /vomit



They're color blind.

She's being sarcastic because she doesn't understand why no one understood she wasn't referring to indians when she brought arabs into the discussion. :p

Well said!