NO! Sometimes my feet must be warm, OKAY? Don't judge me!
NO! Sometimes my feet must be warm, OKAY? Don't judge me!
Feet warm = better cumsies
I agree with everything but the porn angle. Unless it amateur, a lot of the stuff in porn is made for what LOOKS good, not necessarily what feels good. For instance, pumping fingers in and out of vag? Uh, doesn't really sent a woman plummeting over the edge as they would have you believe in a typical porno. I guess…
I don't know why, but the OKC profile sounds like a good idea despite the creeps you'll surely have to weed out. Dudes will be all over that, guaranteed.
Well, sounds like she wants to have an orgasm along the way, too. If you stress about it too much, though, it won't happen. It's an unfortunate truth. :(
It's been proven that women (and I guess men?) have an easier time orgasming if their feet are warm. Sometimes I rock the socks— sometimes I don't. /shrug WHATEVER YOU GOTTA DO. No one cares if you're cumming together in the end anyway. If you find socks THAT distracting, then... well... I don't know.
Psst! I followed you to get you outta the greys because I liked a few of your posts. They were well thought out and well written! :) I really doubt your posting privileges were revoked. Maybe someone was just clearing out people they had been previously following, got rid of their account (? not sure if possible) or…
It's not like it was done for the kink! It just kinda slipped out in the moment! :p
I'm just indifferent, I suppose. He seems like a douche but so do a lot of people in media. Ha. But yes, it must suck to be so widely hated that you have to mope about it on twitter.
Are you sure it isn't pity?
She's making fun of how sitcoms portray marital sex. She's moreso picking at casual sex encounters...
y not???//
Boom, indeed.
I try, I really do!
I don't know how people ever consider themselves "good enough". Seems to me, no one ever does. At least with the people I know. :|
This is disgusting. Get rid of him for your own sanity! I have had mild, off and on EDs from past boyfriends stressing how chubby/flabby I looked. DON'T DO IIIT. It ruins your confidence and kills your sooooul.
Wow, that is depressing. My mom always stressed to me how pretty/smart/blahblah I am. And I still turned out "fucked up". People with moms like this must have to be uber strong and independent. I wish every person could have a supportive, nurturing mom. :(