
The best part is the RHONJ playing before and after.


Skimmed the article. Not really interested as I don't watch the show. However! My SO is Pakistani and has only ever dated white girls. He claims he's not racist 'cause he's brown. Just because you're a minority doesn't mean you're not racist! He doesn't beliiiiieeeeevvvvveeeee.

I must be selfish. I don't want the sexings (with the exclusion of me being drunk) unless I get to cum.

Exactly! Nail art is fine. Designs can be awesome, in fact. I just cannot stand the overtly pointy nails or the ones pictured above. Not just "ugh" but /barf, imo.

She probably did it on purpose. D:

One of my cats was doing this to me the other day. I was not into the kitty love at the time, so I kept putting her on the couch (she's been very bad as of late, knocking over the garbage and so on). She was very persistent, however, and I relented. Not two minutes after she's hanging out on my chest, she does a shart

But at least he or she has a polite manner about them. Disdainful Cat looks displeased.

I feel like there has been a lot of legging hate on Jezzie. I don't understand why!

I can't be the only woman who hates fake nails! GAAAH, whenever I see them I wanna rip them off and stab them into the eyes of the person to whom is rocking them. To each their own, I guess. Right now I am rocking chipped away light pink gel polish, so I'm sure there are people appalled by me as well. :P

** No sarcasm intended **

They should just make lyric videos instead of music videos, IMO. Music vids are terriblllleeeeeee.

It's sad, isn't it? Not in a pathetic way, but in a "poor Brit Brit" way.

I wonder why they change up her voice so much. Maybe it's not quick/high enough for her normal bubblegum, catchy tunes.

I like spinach, but one cup per day?

Why is he so stiff on the right?! Ammmggg... It's freakin' me out.

Cannot... look... away.

Oh, it'd be okay if she were ugly?

That last video... what the hell. You're going to charge at someone and run over another? Someone get that man his crack, he's wacked out.