Your Name Here

There’s only one rule in shark club. DO NOT ROCK THE FREAKIN’ BOAT.

You’ve failed, Near-Sighted Mustang


What are you talking about it is perfect for hiking

A homeless, 80+ year old, amputee, World War 2 vet, with PTSD!

A tongue in cheek joke... When you are in the flare (raising the nose just before touchdown in an airliner in order to arrest your descent rate), it shouts “retard, retard” referring to the thrust levers.

I don’t know why but I am reminded of this.

Is it safe to assume that Trump will get Mexicans to dig the moat?

I’ve been doing this for about seven years, so he better be a gazillionaire.

Brilliant. now just add the following key words:

NOT comparing him in any way to, but Sean Connery had a pretty good run playing a vast array of ‘accented’ characters. Especially playing a russian who gives out advice about things not reacting well to bulletsh.

Now playing

You left out the best part: He has a bulldozer.

with all the money being spent on this big government we can’t afford some snow tires? If Trump were president we’d have tremendous snow tires and he’d make the Canadian’s pay for them!

Now playing

I know I’m not saying anything original, but ... fuck you, cancer (again. Still pissed off about Bowie)

I was in college and married, and one of my close friends, Mark (a fellow CS undergrad), said, “There’s this cool-looking science fiction movie opening next week; wanna go?” So we did (myself, my (ex)wife, Mark, his (ex)wife). I was expecting another cheesy spaceships-and-bad-costumes film, the kind that I had grown

Rally Ferrari is best Ferrari.

Ah, no, that’s Jack Garman. My grandfather is Clint Tillman, who helped build the LM and who isolated the source of the “program alarm” bug after-the-fact while running simulations on the actual hardware at Grumman. Basically, the IMU (inertial measurement unit) was located in the LM such that major pitch adjustments

I find your lack of funds disturbing

Well, shit.

Story time: