
If ads re: Clintons illegitimate love child destabilizes our country—regardless of ad buyer, then we deserve to go the way of the dodo bird. Stop listening to NPR babble. The fact that some schmuck gave this much time to create this report/article and that Congress is feigning this much concern is the only reason

You’re an idiot if any of these stupid messages swayed your vote, or altered your thinking in the least. Obviously, super insignificant and only amounts to internet noise most adults scroll through and ignore.

AI will augment the workplace in general, shifting responsibilities in certain fields. Human workers will adapt and an educated populace will be employable in other, even new areas. In a similar way that demand for stagecoach builders was replaced by demand for automobile maker/workers. Technology is a great

Content, no shelf-life? Dumb and Dumber is evergreen.

oh, but them subsidies. Hard to compete against those... until they dry up, then Tesla is done.

No, its a Cardigan, but thanks for noticing.

Old guy needs a better cut man in his corner. He opened up pretty easy. I guess he was too concerned for the spectators behind him to take a standing 8 count.

It didnt sound too bad to me— but my dog just wet himself.

Smedley Butler spoke on the waste and abuse many decades ago... and seemingly, nothing much has changed. War is a Racket.

But Madoff was... umm, caught yes?

They just need to move on. The Streisand Effect is killing them. Let them protest, fine. Big deal. This is still America yes?

Apples and oranges comparison to the Las Vegas shooter... shooter...shooter —notice it is singular, not a team or group of killers. So, sure these examples are heinous and terrible, but every example clearly depicts more than 1 or teams or battalions of people killing others. Yep, race was involved as a motivating

I’ve never used the NCAA as proof for drug legalization— you know, when a black market is created after a substance is deemed illegal by fiat. Just as illegal gang activity abounds around illegal drug dealing, apparently gang-like payments and kickback schemes are all the rage when it comes to NCAA recruiting that

At least the Louisville Football coach is a class act.

Attorney group of say 50 attorneys, share 25% of the nut, while 143 million divide up the other 75% = $.63/claimant as you state. Nice.

the benefit of bad credit.. your data is of zero value to a hacker. No lender will give them (you) anything.

“McCarthy” leading an NFL “investigation” is kinda oxymoronic.

As. Long. As. Mob.

You’re witnessing the issues that develop when a bureaucracy is in place and since the building is so large, there are many many things to coordinate to prevent other issues that could (or usually) spring up. See also: Superdome NOLA circa 2005. Good people think, gee, just unlock the doors and let them come. Ok,

Getting tired of the climate change bs. The TX drought a few years ago was the “new norm” and bc of climate change— The massive hurricanes —particularly in and around 2005 (Katrina, Rita, etc)— agian were bc climate change and OMG the polar caps would be gone by 2013— per Al Gore.... and then there is the CA drought—