
You either control them from home, OR everyone can control them from anywhere...

Really? Is her finger that long? Stretchman Armstrong aint got nothin on her.

Or watch "Fritz the Cat"...

...then your car dashboard voice sternly shouts.. "No I didn't!"...

"...we're able to give people essentially the experience you'd have as a commercial user in the USA with your smartphone, except we're able to do these things in far-off lands where there's no fixed cellular network"...

you are prob right... In hindsight— im thinking the 20-30yr gap in favor of govt tech was probably valid for the 50's thru the 90's time span... and Moore's law has probably favored individual, commercial innovation so as to close that gap over time— with, in some sense, bureaucracies naturally retarding or fighting

you can bet its already happening... in govt, in full motion HD. remember those guys are usually waaayyy ahead of us in the public... 20-30yrs... we get their old least the militarized stuff...

...clearly the one drawback to asian women in general... Its hard to find one who eats her red beans and rice... ala Sir Mix a Lot.

Rumsfeld was announcing that accounting "problem" one day prior to 911— then, well, the world changed didnt it?

...except until your car automatically drives you to the nearest police station or IRS building or other forced compliance visits...even if the data they have is incorrect... you will be delivered to the awaiting govt "Servants"... for an in-face visit to answer to your charges... or it was in proximity for you to be

in 2008, Al Gore said there would be no more polar ice in 5 yrs...Well Al... here we are 2014... A lot of friggin ice all over. Oh yeah, weather isnt climate... bahwahhah... whatever.. Cue the MMGW schmucks....

read the sordid history of bloodletting... will give you added context to the barber and his shop... whether the candy cane have a relationship to it is, according the author of this article— im sure—, unclear.

whatever investigatory and evidence-based credibility the writer was hyping was lost on me when the writer used the same word—- typed within the space of about 3 words— and it got misspelled... McCormack morphed into McCormick? Then later its McCormack again... Wow, as a college dropout who usually reads left to right

add a little Dball in the mix and the human muscle wins...

is "under" a trillionth of a second even necessary? I mean— a trillionth is pretty fast— and, well, "Under" that time isnt impressing any more than the trillionth part.

OMG— these scenes are hilarious— My wife does not appreciate the comedic value— but I let me kids watch it the other night on Netflix maybe— anyway— they loved it...

Mista— I think the main point is that WTC7 had no plane hit it, and later fell at free-fall speed in full demolition fashion...straight down... not an awkward, random topple of some floors or parts of floors that were located near the damage— but a straight down, free fall (ie: no resistance below from any still

OK— i was kinda trying to be funny... but maybe I shouldve said— if pilots testing/training scores, or their "grades" given by instructors indicate an "unwillingness to listen to their instructor" or "lack of responsiveness to direction"... passengers should know this maybe? and/or the airline charge for tickets

Would one be considered a "stoner" if they have used almost every image on this page at one time or another? Looking for some objectivity here...