
There hasnt been as much as a teaser screen for hitman 5 in 4 years. In that time theyve made 2 kane and lynch games. Where is my hitman fix!

Best sports game commentary ever goes to the nfl 2k series. Hands down in my opinion.

One of the reasons im not bothered by product placement, at least in pc games, is because i figure with the way piracy is going the devs need to cover their cost somehow.

@MrBionic: It doesnt matter as long as it is a cod mw game people will buy it irregardless of whether it is good or not. It will still get glowing reviews and people will pay for the overpriced map packs. Thats just how it is sadly.

God id love to see mw pullled out of activisions hands. It would be too glorious.

@CaptainMurphy: This should definitely be a ps3/360 game. Capcom just saw the huge wii numbers and made a knee jerk decision to move it off the ps3 and put it on the wii. I dont think it paid off for them in japan, considering their huge monster hunter base on the psp.


Please tell me we can sleep bomb tigrex. Man this is definitely a day one buy for me now.

@DrunkRaba: Guy has already posted 2 rage comments in this post, its possible the sony browser "touched" him.

Were'nt any really good april fools this year. The one that got me though was lindsay lohan being cast as mary jane in the next spider man.

For those of you who dont know who he is you owe it to yourself to watch hearns vs hagler, The War. Thats one of the most entertaining fights of all time.

Looks like they have alot of texture work to go through.

Well in vietnam there are very few shopping malls in the first place. In saigon there are only 2 major shopping malls and they really have nothing to offer, especially to the average citizen who cant afford the stuff in there anyways.

@monkeybiziu: From a pc perspective id take cod4 off and replace it with battlefield 2.

The one thing i thought was interesting and was certain was going to happen was gtaiv being bumped from the list. At the time it was released it was the hugest thing ever and reviewers were throwing perfect scores at it like there was no tommorow. But as time went on and gamers had a chance to look back at it the game

@Maritan: I was never a big zelda fan either and never quite understood why everyone calls ocarina the greatest game of all time, i just dont see it.

"So many shrimp i got iodine poisoning"

@Fencedude: That number has got to drop to triples soon.

I remember when i was a kid my mom just sprung summer camp on me and my brother. Boy she couldnt get rid of us fast enough. It wasnt too bad though. Spent a good amount of time on a driving range drinking coke.

@nmoline: Yeah i was waiting for spotify to come out until i found grooveshark. Pretty much only thing i use now.