
@Donutta: Yeah i can definitely see where youre coming from. Dying in assassins creed didnt seem to carry as much consequence. The part i keep coming back to though was the assassin tombs where if youre off by just a bit you fall to your death or have to start over because of the timer where as in uncharted you

@Donutta: I thought the controls were pretty damn spot on too. I dont think i ever once had a problem with them including the first game. AC2 on the other hand i thought had pretty busted controls at certain points.

@bakagaijin: Yeah thats pretty much how i feel. The combat i always thought looked weird since the first game. Especially if you just stand still nothing happens for a while.

I really liked the game but there were a couple things that frustrated the hell out of me. For one the frame story is really really crap. The voice acting when youre outside the animus is mindblowingly awful even with nolan north.

My family is from vietnam and i have to say everytime ive been there ive never seen a legitimate electronics dealer. Everyone just sells stuff out of their houses.

Havent had taco bell in a while. The line at the university for it is ridiculous.

@robpe36: I thought his voice in prince of persia was terrible. It was totally jarring the first time i saw gameplay video and i heard drake.

@robpe36: Studios keep asking for his voice though. They dont want him to change his voice, they want the nathan drake voice. Ubi wanted his regular voice for assassins creed and they insisted he use his normal voice for prince of persia.

@Derangel: The prince of persia people actually insisted he used his regular voice which i dont get.

I think what all these other devs besides naughty dog dont get is that just having his voice doesnt mean your game will have believable voice acting. The voice acting in assassins creed 2 is pretty terrible even with north. It all depends on how you build chemistry with your actors and how good your script is.

@Mokona: You'd think sony would get the hint by now.

I thought Rush playing rock band on the colbert report was pretty awesome. Neil Peart one of the greatest drummers of all time failing out on his own song was great.

The nfl is not an organization that needs any sort of antitrust protections. Its pretty good at screwing over the little guy all by itself.

@Dante_Ravenkin: I never beat the game but i already want another one with more western controls. The hook finger is pretty uncomfortable.

Monster hunter 2nd g is at 12. Are people ever going to stop buying that game?

chu chu rocket way ahead of its time.

@steviematic: Yeah that was ridiculous. Madonna was pretty pathetic in that interview. You can always see right through a person when they have to meticulously put together this persona but have no substance to back it up. Modern example would be lady gaga on jonathan ross. Now that was painful.

@Hahaue: I think the difference is they were expecting much bigger ratings from those shows where as with a late night show they wont be expecting as much.

@buddhathing: I dont think letterman is the funniest or anything but he is a masterful interviewer. Thats part of the reason he got into fights with his guest was because theyd expect to be pampered so they could sell their movies and hed get in their face. Leno on the other hand is 1 not funny and 2 a terrible

If jay had any class he would just retire. Its almost entirely his fault. He said he was going to retire then he changed his mind after nbc signed the deal with conan. So he made nbc give him that shitty show at 10 which brought in shit ratings that it was hurting affiliates which in turn were hurting conan's numbers.