
i love how over the top and nonsensical the series is.

When did this game come out? How come no one told me?

Shitttt man maybe army of two is th video game equivalent of broke back mountain thats why no one got it. It all makes sense now! A must buy for sure after this revelation.

Ill only watch if Peter Serafinowicz does parks voice. I laughed really hard when i read the description though.

Uncharted is one of the best games out there this generation, i really hope naughty dog can expand on their success. I honestly thought that the first game could have used more stealth mechanics so i hope they pull it off in this game. Obviously they cant stick too close to the same formula from the first game. The

Anyone whos a rockets fan knows that Morey is a numbers guy. He was pretty much the first gm to base all his signings off statistics and not off scouting. When i saw the article i knew he had to be involved somehow.

I dont see it as a betrayal at all. I just see it as square enix making a business decision. They obviously dont hold loyalty to any company or any fans. What i do find troubling is that theyre deciding to grant exclusives to the 360 but none to the ps3. Why would i care who gets what game? I only care about the games

That usb thing is awesome looking. Thatd be awesome to fill up with porn! Theyre gonna open the preorders soon for it on play asia [] and the ps3 version []

@TheWon: Im in houston so im on the other side. I remember when i was a kid the two big convenient stores were Stop n Go and Diamond Shamrock. Stop n Go has ceased to exist as far as i know and diamon shamrock is now valero. Over the last decade or so exxon kind of pushed its way in with bigger nicer convenient stores.

Uhh we dont have many 7/11s in Texas, much less houston. In california they have em like every other block but here i cant even think of where one might be.

Do we really want sega continuing shenmue? Look at what they did to sonic? I loved shenmue on the dreamcast but i think sega would just muck it all up.

Who's House!!! COOOGGSSS HOUSE!!!!

I love how bash decided to make a post as his wife was going into labor. I can only imagine her screaming in the background while he has his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as he types feverishly to kotaku.

I totally forgot about this game. I remember thinking it sounded cool but now im definately not interested.

@Komrade_Kayce: Yeah i didnt remember jericho till after i blew up megaton. I just also remembered that girl from eulogy jones can be bought for like 1000 caps. But ill definately look for charon.

I need to find where i can find evil followers. On my "good guy" play through i got fawkes who is awesome but on my evil play through i got no one cause everyone hates me.

@dubsk866: Seriously what happened to the ban hammer?

Man the killers could have been like the next depeche mode but they really are a flash in the pan band as far as im concerned. The first album was fresh and catchy, not too deep but you could enjoy it. The second album was a pretentious piece of shit that sounds like some middle schoolers wrote the lyrics. Of course

Haha or you can buy one at [] .... for 300 freakin dollars. Personally im ok with my lite since i can play shovelware off my r4 instead of having to pay for it.