
@PapaBear434: Oh yeah busch is disgusting but at the time it was the cheapest shit you could buy thats why all the red necks in porter use to drink it. Now the best bang for your buck beer is lone star, which is amazingly good and amazingly cheap.

I always loved v8 better than twisted metal. I use to destroy on that game on my dreamcast.

My dad use to have a store in porter texas and we use to sell dr pepper more than any other drink besides busch beer. I honestly use to hate the stuff till i started my university studies at baylor and i was practically surrounded by the stuff but now i cant get enough of it.

@HackJenkins: No no vote up and vote down is a bad idea. That just gives trolls a tool by which they can band together and knock down dissenting viewpoints. Go look at joystiq, its a disaster over there because fanboys make sure they downvote their "enemy" fanboys irregardless of the substance of their comment.

Ive never really liked the call of duty franchise but for what it tries to do it does it well. To me cod is the michael bay of the video game world. You always know what youre gonna get and its gonna be fun but theres not gonna be much substance or depth. Which is why ive always thought it was odd that theyve never

@AtomixIGN: God the ign comments are pretty awful. Its hard for me to find any constructive comments on there. Its as if all the people banned from here take their trolling over there. Maybe not as bad as Espn's comment section. Thats for another discussion.

I kind of like the instant banning. Keeps people honest at all times otherwise theyre gone. I figure disemvoweling will just give people a chance to see how far they can push their trolling.

@ItsSuperEffective: No you just have to download it. It is a rather nice theme though.

Yeah this means the madden curse is going to stop favres iron man record.

Dude bash you were a crazy kid. Vonnegut, that is awesome my friend. All i got was the guy from apollo 13 cause his daughter was a client of my moms. Got some Astros players autographs around here somewhere too.

@InvaderPhlegm: Well he hasnt gone to trial yet. The evidence still has stand up in front of a grand jury, so if its as shoddy as you say then your boy can walk.

Am i the only one that thinks its sad that we're all spitting on a stupid person?

@Breetai: Can we ban this guy? As an asian person im offended. If he had said black people thered be an uproar.

For the record i actually liked sonic adventure on the dc. But making sonic into a werehog is not innovation or a step in the right direction. Its a gimmick. Does sega not get that we dont want any more gimmicks? Is it that hard to understand, gimmicks are the reason sonic sucks now. We just want the formula that

I mothereffing love LT man. Greatest defensive player ever. I watched the man make a sack with 1 finger. Guy's just a total badass. Hes probably the only reason i bought the first blitz the league, even though it was total garbage. I dont see the second one being any better. But man if i had gotten to interview LT id

I think its time to pick a new era besides the present and wwii for military games. I think developers should go way back like napoleonic wars back. Single shot muskets would be awesome. Or maybe even further where youre a neanderthal and you have to throw rocks and shit. Thatd be way gangster.

Im glad the graphics look better in person. The game didnt look all that much better than the first one from the videos i have seen. I guess ill just bury my self in the snow and hope butters remembers to pull me out.

@StupidityTries: I dunno but he seems alright. Check him for a wire anyways he might be a narc.

Thats a slick looking headset but i think ill just buy the psn version. I have a nice bluetooth headset already anyways. But honestly with lbp coming out in the same time frame i dont know how im gonna have time for socom.