
A white guy playing another ethnic group in a movie, what else is new. Look at 21 a movie about asian card sharks played by white people.

I got a good laugh out of that one. Its easier to laugh now that jack's going to be disbarred soon and no one takes him seriously anymore.

Thats clearly a bait question. Theres no right way to answer it.

I want the coen brothers to make the movie. Im not going to lie i want them to make every movie. How do you make The Big Lebowski and No Country for Old Men! Its amazing, they can do everything. And you cant say it was cause no country was well written, cause its like mccarthy's worst novel.

First McG is gonna ruin Spaced and now this asshole is gonna ruin God of War. You win satan, you win.

Thats such bullshit. We all know theyre artificially manipulating their supply. How can they sit there on their giant bags of money and expect consumers to believe they cant afford to produce enough of the simplest console on the market.

@EmeraldDragon: Word on the street is skies of arcadia is gonna be shown at tgs. I have this nagging feeling sega will ruin that game too. Maybe instead of flying ships youre flying werewolves?

It sounded like alot of people liked the demo. I think the problem is that most people that played the whole game said it was really repetitive.

@sereal: I agree, nintendo needs to come up with a new franchise for once. Granted i guess wii sports counts, but they said they werent going to forget about the core gamer.

I would totally buy a dreamcast 2 but sega is just stomping all over my dreams with their crappy sonics and lack of creativity. Theyre like jack nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest after he gets the lobodomy. He was a total badass and now hes useless so the right thing to do is to smother him with a pillow and

Is there any chance that itgaki and tecmo could end up destroying each other? PLEASE!! Even though there hasnt been anything presented yet, just claims, it seems like itgaki is in the right based on half of tecmo claiming the same thing. Its just i really hate that asshole.

Im sure only thin male supermodels who want to rid the world of fat people worked on this game, obviously.

At least iwata acknowledges how weak their conference was. I think im gonna play my nintendo again...

The games gonna spawn a generation of fat haters? Damn this game is going to motherfuckin rock! I can not wait to feed that princess cake... cause that'll make me hate her..?

Sweet neil peart plays just like i do when i play rockband. Which only means i can plya YYZ with no problems.

@Candlejack: Yeah i think remote play is the biggest thing for me. That being said if they make the psp's internet connectivity faster it might make me want to upgrade.

Im ok with my 2000. If it has a built in hdd and keyboard then i will definately upgrade or second analog stick. But a built in mic means nothing to me.

Anything having to do with vin diesel is a pass for me.

@zanzibarlegend: yeah i dont think its fair to write off a game no one has really seen yet. Unless its a sonic game.... why sega, why?