
I dont see the xmb similarities really. Coverflow maybe. But who cares it looks good doesnt it?

I really like this, not so much the avatars, but the new gui looks phenomenally better especially with the ability to add skins.

Dreamcast 2 please! I was a sega fanboy for as long as i could remember till the dreamcast died and sega studios started making the worst games ever. The dreamcast was my most beloved console. Part of the reason i still hate EA even though theyre pretty cool right now is cause they were part of the reason the

I think you guys are all wrong because yall are speaking about securing third party exclusives to win the "console war" You guys have wittled the game industry down to your console making more money than the other console that you hate for no apparent reason. This isnt a business blog this is a games blog. If anything

@snakepliskin: whoops somehow i posted in the wrong thing.

Im not really interested in rentals. I do love the idea of buying movies for my psp though, thats big for me.

I was getting scared the psp drought was gonna go forever. Good e3 for the psp.

@RodneyMcKay: I think itll be static mmo-esque servers not multiplayer shooters servers.

@Dolgo: We get it you dont like sony's cg. Lets stickie your post shall we.

Thatd be badass if they had songs from the Metallica S&M album.

I think theyre gonna try to go after the hardcore crowd with a wii murder simulator. I think thatd be awesome.

Damn i cant believe that its getting harder to hate EA. I mean clearly i still hate them for the whole madden screwing over every nfl game thing but other than that theyve been coming up with some pretty neat things. Im like all over mirrors edge right now.

Boring... Wake me up when doom 4 is a ps3 exclusive and then gets announced as having a simultaneous world wide release with the 360.

Ugh Saw. Novel idea + weak directing done by a greenhorn = mediocre film. Mediocre film x 15 sequels = lame.

@Snokie: The whole film save thing wasnt all that impressive to me simply because my brother is the biggest battlefield 2 fanboy and he would not shut up about how bf2 had game saves long before halo 3.

@Docwastaken: I totally agree i think the ai still looks pretty bad. But they have from now till february. Im hoping enough people rip them for it so theyll get that fixed.

This game looks great. I dont know why people are complaining about innovation, im not sure what was so innovative about cod4 yet it sold by the bushel. And i think the actual gameplay is pretty damn close to the pre rendered stuff, i think gametrailers has the side by side and its a pretty fair comparison.

Yeah at least theyre not the yellow. Im actually relieved.

I think they were just going for the semi-viral feel. Not too upset about it. The gameplay is what matters and from what we've seen it looks pretty good. Unless the whole werewolf thing is as shitty as we all feared.

I dont mind paying since it came with mgs4 anyways so it was somewhat free. Then again i havent actually played mgo since beta. Too busy saving the world with snake... greatest game ever... it was so sad when snake... shhhh