
Is there anything konami cant mess up? How many times have they dropped the ball in regards to mgs4?

No final fantasy?

Wahhh no midnight launch here. Means i have to wait till 10.

They already charged money for the 5 apps that were already on the itouch to begin with, they just unlocked it for a price. Now they want you to pay so you can buy stuff. It just seems like apple hates ipod owners now.

Meh tricking stupid people doesnt impress me. Now if someone could trick a stupid person into giving them the gunmetal special edition pack [] Then id be impressed.

@Nirolak: Yeah i read about it the other day. Sounds interesting with the weapon drops and static squads. My problem, however, has always been that i can only play one game at a time and ive just been waiting for sc2 for a long time.

The first dawn of war was pretty damn fun but i think dow2 is slated for release right around the time sc2 comes out and i cant imagine me taking time away from sc2 for another rts.

I actually like when kotaku does reviews which is pretty seldom. And i actually still like ign's reviews even though most people around here hate them.

@Fadakar: I FUCKING love slash. The man can play like nobodies business. He's what rock and roll use to be. Now the record companies have figured out how to manufacture bands and still sell tons of records.

I dont much care for home right now, ive waited too long. I do like this idea though and i reckon when it finally gets released ill enjoy it but at this point im not gonna get all hyped up about it. All i want is in game xmb, is that too much to ask?

Damn you sega. Sega hasnt been the same since the dreamcast days. Back then sega could do no wrong. And then the ship sank and everything fell apart.

Im in good shape with my 8600 but ill probably get an 8800gt just to be on the safe side. Hopefully SC2 will make use of my quad core.

God forbid they cast a middle eastern person. Always the white folk saving the day.

Yay! Usually when we play rock band i always sing even though my voice is terrifying, so just cut out the instruments and youve already got me sold.

@PissedPS3Fan: If you dont get it now you'll never get it so whats the point of having someone explain it to you. People have different taste just let this game go and dont worry about it.

I thought hes openly stated that he does not like the ps3 at all. I remember him saying he preferred the 360 and wii and was kind of a dick about it.

Im going to pirate the 360 version just to spite them cause this is some straight up bullshit.

@Palladium: Speaking of those penis pills, i started seeing enzyte commercials again even though they just got raided by the feds. Why is the fcc protecting people from boobies and swearing on tv but not protecting stupid people from scams?

@Fadakar: Good call. Probably not the best character to associate B.O. with. I use to like obama but now hes a crowd panderer its boring. Politics are once again as bullshit as ever. God teddy roosevelt needs to run again, that man was a badass.

Whos head did they paste him over? Cause it looks like patrick mcreary is about to fuck obama up.