
I think you’re inferring that from a vacuum. At least, I’ve never made that argument.

Great point. I suppose I did imply that crime shows were without problems. They clearly aren’t, and it’s such a delicate line between playing up the titillation value of an assault and recognizing that these crimes do occur.

There are all manner of horrible things that happen in the real world, but not all of them find their way into our fiction.

Which is a totally fair criticism. And certainly you can find plenty of bad examples. But if you look at a lot of, say, the popular detective shows on Netflix or PBS, you will not find that much rape (network, CSI, NCISDSLESPN...I don’t know much about those).

And dragons and shadows that come to life and zombie ice people from the north. Interesting that a person’s imagination can invent a world with magic and mythical creatures, but not one without constant rape (which is often played in a titillating fashion).


I mean, GoT gets to the point where it’s unclear whether there are any sexual encounters that aren’t rape. I read the first 4 books, haven’t really watched the show, but just take the Starks, who are...sort of the heroes. At least, Catelyn and Eddard’s relationship is treated as praiseworthy. Yet the description of

Sure, that’s fair, again, I haven’t watched every minute of that show. It’s just every time I look in, someone is being raped. I will say that with the servant girl who was raped, the fallout I saw was largely about her loss of marriage prospects (though the show treated that as an historically realistic, but

I don’t know how meaningful this is, but my girlfriend and I agree on about 90% of the shows we watch. In situations where our tastes diverge (setting aside home renovation and British people making muffins), her shows (Game of Thrones, Outlander...) have an almost comical amount of raping. It’s every fucking episode

Maybe flip Stein and Trump. Although, I said “willingness to pander” for a reason - I think Stein knows enough to understand what bullshit that movement is, but she wants those nutty-ass voters. Trump may be a true believer, but Stein is working for those votes.

Also a good diagram of “unwillingness to pander to the ridiculous anti-vaccine community.”

Yes, the sanest of the sane Republicans, John McCain, picked Sarah Palin as VP. The difference between Palin and Trump is a chromosome and a rich dad. Hell, Palin actually accomplished something on her own - becoming governor - so I may respect her a bit more.

Why is it flesh colored?

No, as a man I have to agree. It’s now impossible to envision any male ever being president again. Just like how Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister and their hasn’t been a male PM since. Or when they made Wonder Woman and that caused the mass deletion of all male superheroes.

If you have Kershaw, feel free to throw him as long as he can go. I’m more thinking about teams that can’t blow their budget on a top-line ace or are in Colorado, where no one has ever really figured out how to pitch.

In this world of arms breaking down, someone is going to gain an advantage by doing something creative.

Dude is an awesome basketball player and a thoughtful person.

D’Antoni definitely shortened his career by putting a lot of wear on those tires during the first year. Amare was a top 3 MVP candidate before breaking down.

-Tony Parker is the most important basketball player of the last 5 years. His health was the determining factor in 4 finals (wore down against OKC 2012, bad ankle for games 5&6 2013, healthy 2014, not healthy 2015).

I think teams - especially in Colorado - should have their staff pitch 3 innings at a time.