
Who could have anticipated a dude chiming in with his boner’s opinion of a woman?

Thank god we have your boner’s opinion on this woman. Don’t know how we could have lived our lives without your member chiming in.

Searching randomly on google is not as efficient as getting direction from a fan. I’ve watched their stuff before...

Link me to the funniest Red Eye production.

I would almost love to see it happen just because there’s no political angle on this. The outcome of 95% of cases are determined before they’re ever heard. This one? No fucking clue.

Take Daily Show, add conservative viewpoint, subtract comedy, you got yourself a Red Eye...

Limited runs.

Don Cheadle learned to play the trumpet for some actor-y reason. Keyon Harrold is the trumpet you hear in the film, because, of course. Don Cheadle sounds terrible. That’s more or less exactly my point.

Difficult to say that was due to respect or all of the heat the project is receiving.

Interestingly, I think there were a couple of times you could have legitimately made the claim that a college team could have beat a pro team - and even competed for a playoff spot. All in the NBA:

Sure, but 90% of people who claim to have read the Secret actually mean that they were told about it while getting their hair cut.

Just drop this game into the middle of the 2016 playoffs - everyone fouls out midway through the second quarter and Rodman is banned from basketball for the rest of his life.

LET HIM IN! To the bathroom with your young son or else you’re a narrow-minded religious bigot.

I’ve read that his humbling experience playing baseball caused him to ease up a bit. He learned what it was like to have limitations in a sport (even if he did shockingly well for a person who hadn’t played baseball in a decade).

So, about 67% of the country?

Now playing

Agree generally, but because the Bulls were so great on the perimeter, Rodman wasn’t required to chase around guards and small forwards.

I have responded to this miscarriage of journalistic responsibility on my personal blog with an article titled, “What we’re talking about when we talk about Hillary Clinton’s hot sauce being problematic for women.”

Really any team that tried and didn’t openly loathe one another would be an improvement.

Much less sanctimony; no subtle racism - “those” “showboats” doing it the “wrong way.”

James Harden is in the wrong sport. He was born to be a DH.