Did he ask the police to calm down and be peaceful or nah?
Did he ask the police to calm down and be peaceful or nah?
She wouldn't be the first person, of any social situation, to make the wrong decisions when faced with a sudden influx of a lot of money. It seems pretty likely, if she was trying to just get by and was so desperate that she left her children in the car for a job interview, that she isn't someone who was educated…
I'm sorry that this woman isn't spending the money that was a gift the way that you wand didn't take the jobs that were offered to her. Supposedly she spent some of the money she has received on to help the father of her child make a rap album. She says that's not true. She has also spent a lot of the money on bills,…
Sooooo, he proved that people on Jezebel are decent human beings. Wow. Score one for the MRA team... amirite.
sometimes i just think you want people to fight you
Thanks for the reply. Also, you lucky lucky California born woman. Please, please always be grateful to be born in a state with both beach & mountains. Us flyover state folks have to get on a plane to see all that beauty!...Back to the subject at hand: I'm a tad bit testy about the big butt & "look how long her crack…
Yeah, but to be fair, doesn't everyone also hate the Diet Friend and the Fitness Friend and the Boyfriend Drama Friend the Dog Lover Friend and all those other Friends Who Only Talk About One Thing?
Don't help someone hurt someone else. Especially don't do so for your own pleasure.
This is definitely one of my favorite Snapple ads of all time.
You could have saved yourself some time and just typed #notallmen.
I'm a lady that got pregnant and gave birth.
Would it help if I told you that you will feel more peaceful with all this in time? I swear it, you will. The initial diagnosis is so heart wrenching, it's such a draining experience, and it's a messy, messy process at times. Everywhere I took my son, they told me something different. It was very confusing, but…
I have a friend who will occasionally bring his baby to the bar (fine. whatever.) but I get way more annoyed when he shows me picture after picture after picture of his damn baby. For every picture of your baby, I'm going to show you a pictures of what I had for dinner. That's how much I care about pictures of your…
"Everyone can see your dirty pillows."
If this was in a mag for adults, it might bother me (maybe). Since the context is a teen magazine, I think it's fine. Boobs don't have to be sexual, they're just part of the body (IMHO).
I'm not sure if this is what @lalatheevil meant but there are actually studies that show that non-blacks consistently overestimate the ages of black children by 3 or more years.
Well, 13 year olds have boobs and wear tank tops. There's nothing tacky about it. There's also nothing overtly sexual about it.
oh puh-leeese. people can be quirky on their wedding days if they damn well please. Cute vintage shoes are also expensive as fuck.