
Speaking as a Chinese guy, allow me to take a whack at the PC police. I ain't even mad.


BMI is a useful epidemiological tool; that is its purpose. It is of far less value on an individual level. These are epidemiological data, so BMI is an appropriate measurement. Holla to my former PI, co-director of one of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation programs at our school! The RWJF does good shit.

He's had issues with alcohol in the past, and he just became an orphan in the space of like 6 months. His behaviour is troubling, but understandable. He needs help.

"Possible fetus."

Translated: We're not even sure it's a fetus, but we're sure it's more important than an (almost) adult human woman.


Ok, so I went to Dartmouth and I knew Lohse and his friends while I was there. I can't verify or deny his claims about SAE hazing, as I was not a member, but I can comment on him: the man is a straight up, classical sociopath. He is charming and charismatic and probably a smart guy, but he has only taken this

Well done. You're the type of person that mother would like me to be - always looking for the good in people, even if it's the smallest thing.

Not that I want to defend the Kardashians, like, ever, but yeah, big boobs have a mind of their own—especially if you're wearing something to show them off and don't have them full on bondage strapped down to keep them in place.

omg jay-z's face in that last vine. that whole thing is priceless.

well... young. Just young.

You totally nailed why my status on FB is "I'd rather donate the 100 than the 10."

It's the least she could do after destroying all those homes with that wrecking ball in the first place.

Hey, Rita. Rhianna from three years ago called. She wants everything back.

here a thing:

Awful, terrble news. He struggled with depression & addiction for years. More proof that mental illness does not discriminate. He had the world's adoration, a loving family & resources far beyond what the average person has and still lost the battle. I hope that someday we treat mental illness as the devastating thing

Why in gods name are they doing a toxicology report on the victim and not the murderer?

I hate when people tall thin women present another side of the coin feel good coin. I'm a tall thin lady and I really don't see the harm in All About That Bass. I get positive reinforcement on the daily because I'm tall and thin. I generally rarely feel like I can't wear something or he doesn't like me because of my

In the library where I work there's this old checkout lady who works once a week and goes on and on about old-fashioned personal service which to her means taking long phone calls and forming opinions on what people are checking out/putting on hold. Which is *sort of* ok for the people she's friends with, but