
The Change-Up sounds terrible.

This might be the first Apple product I ever buy.

Children of Men was a good movie but not great. It just doesn't measure up to stuff like Terminator 2 and Alien. Not even close, definitely a good movie but not a classic.

I'm pretty sure that if Apple made a 40" tv and charged twice the usual price for it, half the Giz staff would probably still stand in line to buy one and post about how it "changes everything"

So did you guys ever add abstraction to your MySQL DAOs?

Bat-Ski sounds like a Polish Batman.

I think this is supposed to read "packed with some designers, photographers, musicians, and tons of bartenders, baristas, and unemployed people who think they are creative types".

I think the poster is from before Episode II was made, which is why half of them are wrong.

I have a good work buddy next to me and we bounce lots of ideas and problems off each other. It can be stressful though, when he gets stressed I get stressed by extension and vice versa.

@Log1c: Hopefully not using the same footage.

Hooray for real wolves in True Blood. CGI wolves are the worst.

Our Lady of Altitude?

Vote: Pandora

I absolutely need to get up by 6:30 to be out the door by 7:30 and at work by 8:00. I set my alarm for 6:00 though. On a bad morning when I hit snooze too much, take too long showering, eating breakfast, making/packing lunch, or just checking websites I can use that half hour cushion to still get to work on time. On

I don't want to run another annoying little app to fix all the other annoying little apps that are bugging me. I'd rather find a way to fix the problem for good than add another doo-hickey.

@uɐıןɐɹʇsnɐ_GitEmSteveDave: I hate to break it to you but that 19" sharp TV is probably 720p, which means you will be very limited resolution wise. Can't really complain if it was free though.

I wonder if he actually would have saved any money if he had bought the wood and the lights versus a monitor arm. I know he had the stuff lying around but other people probably won't. It's still nicer looking than a monitor arm though.

Just go to court (the informal magistrate hearing, not real court) and say you're very sorry, you were wrong, you've learned your lesson and you won't do it again. Worked for me because I was the only normal person at court that day and everyone else was swearing at the judge when they didn't get what they wanted.