Whattabout the end of Fight Club? (No images necessary; I want you to use your memories)
Whattabout the end of Fight Club? (No images necessary; I want you to use your memories)
"Compulsive lying makes you smarter"? Or, smarter people are more likely to compulsively lie — or, there's a third unseen factor connecting these things, and neither is the cause. CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION, GUYS.
I think what she's talking about is a difference in degree between types of second-guessing, not in kind. I think it's an interesting point, and one which is personally (instinctively?) valid for me.
I don't really expect anything other than wild optimism here, I guess, but it's still kind of disappointing to see the freaking Singularity mentioned far above addressing what we might do about, oh, say, climate change.
Hi folks, I'm not an amputee but I am disabled, and: "...I'll wait until they are actually a functional improvement..." "...if they were worth it lol..." These are some pretty insensitive comments. I think you guys may be missing the point here.
Oh good lord, thank you so much for some technical detail outside the Pollyanna paradigm! I'm either a neo-Luddite or just a big hater of the techno-utopian mindset, but I can't stand it when people assume that good will prevail in the hearts of the corporations who wield most control over technology.