
My daycare does. My favorite teacher’s son is in the 4-year-olds class right now, he’s adorable. Then again, my daycare is nonprofit and religious and gets money from the United Way, so very much non-fancypants.

In a former life, I worked in a position where I had to transcribe recordings of 5th graders trying to learn and describe a fairly abstract scientific concept.

OMG Thhiiiissss.

They take their slaves with them, silly!

Care to elucidate what side that is?

We live like a mile from the zoo, having a pass is a no-brainer. We have a teeny tiny house, the space for toys is minimal, so for gift-giving occasions we ask the grandparents to instead get our son memberships to local child-friendly attractions. So we can get OUT of the house on the regs. I hate hanging around at

I think the root of a lot of that is class anxiety. We’ve a very downwardly mobile society now (I’m not doing as well as my parents, it stands to reason my kid won’t do as well as me) and some middle class parents are feeling very very anxious about the possible loss of their current class status for their child. So

It depends on the city. In my city, the main benefit of Uber is that the city itself has never had a reliable taxi service. We have taxis, but I’ve lived here all my life and literally never used one because you have to call for one hours in advanced and it’s a crap shoot whether it will actually show up. (I still

Yes, all of this. When people tell me I look great now, I immediately wonder how terrible I must have looked before. I did work hard to lose the weight but let’s be honest, I did not split the atom. I did not solve hunger or bring peace to the Middle East. I counted calories and started running a few miles a week and

I recently lost a fair amount of weight (not triple digits, but I went down a couple dress sizes over the course of a few months) and the way people talk about my weight loss really weirds me out. I honestly wish people wouldn’t bring it up at all. It rarely goes anywhere good. I know I lost weight, I know you know I

We were those annoying hippies who didn’t have a TV at all for a few years in the late 90s. Then we moved to a very rural area where the only option was exorbitantly expensive (to us at the time) Satellite, so we took a pass on that as well. We were a very early adopters of Netflix and getting those DVDs in the

I do kind of agree. You can’t just have one American panel show in a vacuum, you need to import the entire genre in order to cultivate your stable of regular panelists.

Yes, that’s correct. And it’s how they justify the horrific warehousing, neglecting and abusing of the children of SeaOrg members.

Amateur brain surgery!

ALSO even the original real volcano doesn’t really qualify as an experiment for the purposes of most science fairs these days. It’s not an experiment, it’s a demonstration! Unless you’re comparing how different substances when combined change the nature of the “eruption” (in which case the experiment is about

You shut your mouth, Fright Night was so entertaining.

I live in the Ultimate Trick or Treating Neighborhood (cul-de-sacs even though we’re right in the city, really safe, houses very close together), so no, we’re the neighborhood that is drawing all the kids from all of yours. If the weather is crappy, our numbers go down, but in good weather we’re rocking from start to

In Feminist Utopia we all get babies that sleep through the night and breasts that take to lactation like a duck to water??? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!

Watching this for the millionth time right now, it suddenly occurs to me...why do the bikes come equipped with a “jam everyone else’s comlinks” switch? Those instrument panels are pretty small, yet someone was like, “You know what’s really vital to have on this superfast flying bike? A switch you can throw that will

Original Cybermen are the best Cybermen. Way, way creepier, especially the voices.