It costs $60 if you buy it retail. I got 5 devices for $20.00. That's hard to beat for a premium product.
It costs $60 if you buy it retail. I got 5 devices for $20.00. That's hard to beat for a premium product.
If it's something that is easily moved (like a phone & NOT a weight Bench) I find out where they are and tell them I am twice as far as I really am. This way, they need to drive to meet me & I only have to go around the corner. I makes them "Committed" to sell whereas your time investment is minimal.
I Like the Fan; Goes with Any Case (Almost)
Be careful when speaking like that to nouveau riche like me: I'll slap you! With the back of hand!
My wife was offered this 2 days ago. They offered 6 months severance + Insurance.
I did this years ago for my wife, but she finds coupons annoying. Annoying!?!?!?!?
I love the "Clash of the Titans" Owl!!
The rating system!!! Everything has 4.5 Stars
I had a Drill Sargent English Teacher. I am grateful to have had him; he made college much easier.
Additionally "Hope is not a strategy." - Gen. Norman Schwartzkov? After 22 years, that has never left my brain.
Any opinions on pre-built systems vs DIY water cooling?
PERFECT 4 Lazy Guys (like myself)
Another mistake (a guy I know ;0) is plugging an "extra" power supply port into an empty spot on the Mobo. DEAD!
BEST WAY EVER!!!! Take each item, button (if needed) and lay flat on the dry top. Smooth it out with your hands and repeat with every shirt. I do this with Polo's, T-shirts, Button downs. Always works and it's very fast. just put your crappiest 2 shirts on bottom.