@freds4hb: Is it too late for a #COTDNomination ?
@freds4hb: Is it too late for a #COTDNomination ?
@Spiegel E. Coyote: In yourself. Duh.
@M103: You could get a 6-speed in the 8-series. Only available transmission on the 850CSi.
@joeisuzu: Looks rather like a Chrysler Voyager...
@Dab O' Swine: He was? That was the only one I couldn't get to!
Ken, if Pastrana's a pussy, how come he was at the RallyCar Series Rallycross events at NJMP and you weren't?
@pmindemann: The Rallye package actually did make it to production.
@OMGItsWeasel: Whoawhoawhoa. Back up a sec.
It's a definite improvement over the first episode, but I almost wish there was a pure engine sounds version so I wouldn't have to hear the hosts talk.
@Applerain: The poster above (can't promote, Giz crosspost) is right. I was a bit worried about looking dorky dressing up for TRON night last month, but I actually got a positive response from the ... tens of people in the theater. I'm actually surprised when I don't see any kind of cosplay at an opening night…
@Prismatist steers with his right foot: What can't you do with zip ties?
@AmonSemper: How a tattoo artist spells tattoo.
How long does it take someone there to earn $20?
@axiomatic: It's not actually a channel, it's an OnDemand program.
I need a visual aid for the white-on-black-on-yellow combo. Cadillac website configurator can't too it and I don't feel like 'shopping this late.
@Uncle Spiegel Fester: You mean "These pretzels... are making me thirsty."
@WookieLifeDay: Scroll down. There's more of us.
@crickitobs: It would be a crime to cancel The Good Guys. Really crimey.