@markedward: Can you blow up a gas giant?
@markedward: Can you blow up a gas giant?
@The Slurpee Man: Maple Leafs not making the playoffs?
@mechimike: It should really have a diesel engine and a fully hydraulic drivetrain...
How's the Bobcat doing? I love the theme on that thing.
@Brian R. Kupfer: So... it would just crash-land somewhere?
@worthless_cos: Engine done blowed up?
Maybe he's actually trying to get fired?
He would've scanned the letter so we could see it, but it spontaneously combusted.
Your take on driving/owning a car in NYC?
@pfc.joker: Bingo. If you really want to survive the Zombiepacolypse, don't play the gasoline game. Better off learning how to make biodiesel.
Are they replacing the section because a Cayenne crashed into it?
@PHIL: Great minds think alike?
I want to buy a 458 and make a website like this for it: [www.abevigoda.com]
@Boosted Lego Wagon: Fast and the Furious: Continental Drift.
@GeeHalen: Hmmmmm.
@tonyola: Was there every any consideration of taking the Fiat on the road trip?
@mechimike: I've got tires like that for doing smoky burnouts with my vintage slot cars, but on a full-size car?!
@MushyHeirloom: Better than being tight all the time.
@CrabSpirits: I bet *smash* you can sense *smash* that *smash* knock!