@Dirt Pirate: Flying would be about as "off-road" as you can get.
@simonbarsinister: If you include "throughout the animal kingdom" in the first quote...
@900turbo: It's free, so I don't see how it would hurt your efforts to import a Holden.
@Roberto G.: It's a modified Cobalt, not an Aveo.
@The HZA.: Yes, please.
@Phantom_of_the_Roller: This is much closer to the Tesla Roadster than it is to a G-Wiz.
I think the list of sites with hyphenated addresses in the .info domain that aren't sketchy is a pretty short list.
@JC Whitless: CNN doesn't believe in social networking?
Who high-fives like that?
@Number_Six: Can we pick on her for not being particularly fast?
@spiegel1: Insanne in the brain!
I will probably never drive an F50, so I will never get to experience how good the car is technically. I probably will see one someday, and it's not particularly enjoyable to look at. It screams, "I'M FROM THE 1990s!"
@ALifelessOrdinary: It's so spacey!
@ALifelessOrdinary: Video embedding fail!