Yo, if you ever want to watch a Tetris youtube channel where the host is ALWAYS drunk, give Jonas a follow.
Yo, if you ever want to watch a Tetris youtube channel where the host is ALWAYS drunk, give Jonas a follow.
Also Nomad Life isn’t a fucking HR promotion by a bank......
Maybe that was too many words. You’re reporting on an HR advertisement as if it is news!!!
(This is coming from someone who is a big believer in John Flint and his vision for HSBC.)
They don’t care about being Nuked, all they care about is the $70 million a year.
But if instead what we see if business as usual, maybe this time we’ll finally stop accepting the ever-shifting goalposts, the amateurism gaslighting, and just acknowledge that what fans care about is college sports played by college athletes, no matter what they’re earning.
I guess all of the other dumbasses who destroyed their Nike gear were just really worked up about the tagline. Of course, it had absolutely nothing to do with their displeasure at a black athlete using his platform to protest police violence against African Americans. Why would anyone think that?
Voting with your dollar works.
That’s good hustle
I love how fucking diverse the NFL is in its shittyness.
Everyone and everything I don’t like is inextricably tied to my political enemies.
You know you’re posting on deadspin, right? It’s our badge of honor to be first in line to hand disgusting organizations money while complaining about them.
Even knowing what the protest was about, even reading the title, it took me a bit to figure out what was “wrong” with the picture. The amount of vitriol over something so innocuous is pathetic.
This is the first thing in YEARS that makes me want to subscribe to the Atlantic again. It’s probably just optics signifying nothing, but god damn, I’m gonna believe they’re unfucked themselves for a few minutes.
rarr rarr rarr. It’s predatory bullshit, won’t _someone_ do _something_?
I don’t really know what kinja means to everyone else, but this right here is good kinja.
How is Penn State football not dead to Gawker?
One angry letter from an F150 driver would be all they needed to shut any talk of that down.
If Gawker fucking gave a shit, you’d join me in kneeling with Kap. But you don’t.
Kinja d-bags who call out the horribleness of 4chan are right. 4chan is largely terrible. The fact that a d-bag said it doesn’t make it less true.