Smoking Jay Catler

From my experiences in education, I will tell you that the “Women in X” problem will never be solved unless you stop trying to treat groups as homogeneous monoliths.

Too smart to ignore a chance to pedantically correct spelling, not smart enough to recognize a fucking great Latin joke.....

What a fucking unbelievable lack of self-perspective. Rovell is a Press Release aggregator, doubling as the world’s most credulous reporter. Stop pretending to know a damn thing except copy/pasting NFL statements.

This was truly excellent work. The love you show for your family brought some tearful memories of my own father.

If you watch the NFL this is what you support. It’s not just early 20th century style hiding of unsafe working conditions, it’s not just an attack on city finances and robber baron style collusion.

This is just karma for the fact they refuse to sell Carter throwbacks at their stadium store.

You empty suited mother fucker. That’s your job!

Dude, too soon.

Not only an informative, positive article, but Greg Nice lyrics in the bio? What a time to be alive!

Based on Tigrisan’s response, this sounds like a network timeout somewhere under the hood. Like a program/OS feature is dialing home to a no longer valid URI and just waiting to timeout. I’d be very surprised if it were a hardware issue given their description

This is an all time great post.

Yah but the thing is, that is really the kind of person you WANT in law enforcement. You don’t want someone who questions the rules and decides whether or not to follow them on their own: what the rules are and how to follow them is a job for politicians and attorneys general.

It is not the time for excuses. The entire Dem. campaign shit the fucking bed, and its worst habits came home to roost.

They have concrete evidence that he did not play on Arcade hardware. There is additional circumstantial evidence that the MAME scores were not legitimate, but not enough to “convict”.

“Based on the complete body of evidence presented in this official dispute thread, Twin Galaxies administrative staff has unanimously decided to remove all of Billy Mitchell’s scores as well as ban him from participating in our competitive leaderboards,” the staff said in a forum post.

Maybe he thought the Ankle Monitor would have a “zeroing” method to adjust to his base BAC. Then when he was at .08, it would show -.32!!



Patriots owner Robert Kraft, of all people, and 76ers owner Michael Rubin visited Meek Mill in Pennsylvania prison today, where the Philly rapper is currently serving time for a probation violation. Kraft talked to the media afterward and—if you adjust your standards for his wealth, age, and race— actually made a

Truly underrated comment.

I proceeded to act out your description of the sneeze and then giggle like an idiot for 2 minutes.