
I have a bunch of these in a box somewhere, likely still at my parent's house. In fact, I have a paperback compilation of all the Mario comics from the same era. However, I read them so often they're all but falling to pieces. Same with my Calvin and Hobbes books.

Dance classes taught by Spinzaku, maybe.

Honestly, I haven't played soul caliber since SCII for the Gamecube. I had no idea there was character creation. Maybe I'll have to get back into it.

Are you not familiar with the Soul Calibur series? Ivy always had an alternate costume that covers her up. And you can dress up SC characters in any way you want with costume creation options for all characters.

EEw she doesn't have nipples I guess O_o and I always liked Ivy.. but damn some people forget simple anatomy.

Whach out for I.E. Double D's !!! hahahaha

She's a good leader. I'm always standing at attention and hoisting flags. Keeps me working HARD.

Look at them big ole soldiers


Exclusive footage of many of the complainants above watching the VMAs:

Now playing

Holy crap.
And they all play Hellraiser 2 music - Hall of Mirrors

That was nuts!

Tina dance party??

He's up in heaven with Heath Ledger now, shooting drugs.