
Oh, I am quite sure that this guy wasn’t that calculating either. He had just finished urinating on a power box on the sidewalk and couldn’t keep both eyes open at the same time. My husband (a Canadian) had never experienced such a thing. He was completely floored.

Well, there IS the woman in my facebook feed who sells the fibrous mascara. She will post pictures about how she LOVES her lashes and everyone tells her how great it looks.

I only wear mascara now too. Mostly because that means I can sleep in an extra three minutes. I use the curler too and my great lash. However, I am open to trying new and cheap!

I cannot afford to go every day. In fact, I don’t even grab a basket for fear of spending more than I need. If I can’t carry it in my hands, then I don’t need it that badly. I once negotiated with myself on a nail polish that I dropped and kicked to the checkout stand from the hair treatments aisle. If I could

Back in the late 90's I was dating a guy in his early 20's, self described as a “Blaxican” since he was half black and half Mexican. Anyway, he used this word incessantly for everyone. I was surprised to hear his friends (Indian, Mexican, Korean, black, white) use it back to him.

This happened to me and my husband. We were in the middle of an argument with this kid and he let that fly. Even though we were both on edge, we were taken aback. We were also confused. Perhaps that was the point.

Also, how do you get them that thick and that long without any clumps? And those with fibers? Straight look like spiders on real people.

Food commercials are awful. The food always looks so so good and then you get it and you’re all, what the fuck?

I’m headed to CVS this week so I’ll check this out. Thanks!

I have always wondered how makeup companies got away with that. It is SO obvious that the lash are fake. Show me what the mascara can REALLY do and I’ll buy it. For now, I’ll stick with my Maybelline Great Lash in the pink and green tube.

Shun away! That just means more wine for me. No more drunks drinking my good wine.

I started debauchery in my 30's and based on the last two weekends with my husband, I am definitely still stuck in that phase. Join us!

I already shared it to Facebook since I have never left the fast life and dissipation phase and I’m 45.

I met my husband online in 2004. I was always very upfront about the fact that I didn’t want to have kids and did not want to date anyone with kids. I was 32 when I met him.

Now playing

This popped up in my “on this day” on facebook yesterday and gave me a chuckle again.

I have the luxury of not shopping at Walmart for myself but every month I buy a $100 gift card for a family that does most of their shopping at Walmart and Sam’s Club. I have been to Walmart enough to know that some of the folks there do not have a lot of choice about their shopping options. Even in urban areas,

Definitely a child then (70's/80's). I liked the freedom that I had as a kid and it seems like kids today don’t have that kind of freedom. Also, I liked reading, climbing trees, riding bikes and playing Star Wars in the neighborhood. It seems like kids today don’t do those things.

I haven’t really ever been “in the club” but now there are many people who either make assumptions or also think that I won’t raise my voice in mixed company. Those people are revealing all the secrets of “the club.”

I was 12 when this came out but I am pretty sure I remember it. Thanks for the laugh! And cry.

A friend of mine (who is black) used to joke about the “meetings” that white people would have and how I was never invited. However, now, people seem to be inviting me left, right and center. I cannot believe how bold people are, ESPECIALLY given that some of them are facebook friends with me and know how much to