
I wondered the same thing and then just imagined a bag with a rabbit AND 10 year old boy head.

Third parties HAVE to start local and move on up. If people don’t think that third parties are viable at the local level, all they have to do is check out the school districts in Texas and other Southern states that are helmed by Tea Partiers. These elected officials are determining what kids in these districts

His company no longer supports window phone so he will eventually have to switch to an iPhone. He is quite sad. He loves the ease of moving between the phone, tablet and laptop. Again, he loves his surface pro. He uses it for everything.

My husband LOVES his surface, but then again, he’s one of the 13 people who have a windows phone too...

Ham hocks go with black-eyed peas!

No way.

Last year was my dad’s 70th birthday so my mom wanted us to fly out to celebrate. I told her that I would check the UCLA schedule and get back to her with a weekend that would work. She should know better!

We were set to get married in Vegas and were looking at September. I pulled out the UCLA schedule and not a bye to be had that first month. It was hot as hell but we got married the last Saturday before college football started in August. It was convenient for those who wanted to place some bets for the season

Last year, one of the jackasses in the box behind us starting yelling at me and my sister for not standing (we are not in a box). I turned around and told him to STFU and then called over security. He already had 2 strikes and was escorted out.


NCAA football games have the same issue. My sister taught me at my first NHL game that you wait for a break in the action. I’ve had people decide to sit down right when the QB is dropping back to make a pass. WTF, people! JUST WAIT ON THE AISLE!!!!! 

This makes me want chili although it’s supposed to be 100* by Thursday. Chili is great.

I was just about to say the same! We had a team lunch and the young 20 something said that she had never heard of The Sound of Music. Not that she had never seen it...she had never HEARD of this movie and had grown up with a TV. She tried to pull some BS about it being before her time and I pointed out that it was

That was a really interesting note that was in this article. It’s definitely an urban vs. rural battle.

+1 for hepcat, daddy-o.

Don’t cry for me, America, indeed.

What is up with the Eva Peron-like framed portrait?

Chimay is saying, “Give me some barbecue. I’m a good girl.” in that picture.

Maybe he can get a senior pooch?