
My favorite Meghan moment came on Real Time with guest Paul Begala. Talking about a political event she said she didn’t know about it because she wasn’t born yet. Begala came back with “I wasn’t alive during the French Revolution but I know about it.”

To me Ms. McCain is the textbook definition of white privilege.

One of the most aggressively irrelevant people I’ve ever met. When she “wrote” a book, she came to speak at the monthly meeting of the publisher I used to work for. Staff asked her what her goals were, what her ambitions were, whether she planned to follow in her father’s footsteps and run for office. She sat there,

It’s beyond pointless, without that contrast this article is basically incomplete. The issue is that white, hetero, cis-male teens have legitimately never faced the kind of struggle that the current generation does, because historically everyone else has instead. The structures historically meant to signal boost those

Did all those concern trolls give Chance the Rapper a hard time for having a kid so early in his career too?

“It happened once when my mom was in high school. A girl purposely broke her own arm just to get another person in trouble.”

Mom should maybe tell him to stop being an annoying little shit and don't play with the doors

A lot of people don't vote for the politicians who would be best for the life they have, they vote for the politicians who'd benefit the life they WANT to have. Poor people vote for republicans because they believe that some day, they will be rich, and then that tax cut for yacht owners will come in handy

I clicked through, I did it. Found this gem.

That’s all I was thinking— how could they not talk to the girl involved? I guarantee it was more than a door opening and shutting! This dude is an admitted misogynist and you, a journalist, are going to let him spew his lies in a national publication without fact-checking?? I’m so sick of treating these trump

“It happened once when my mom was in high school. A girl purposely broke her own arm just to get another person in trouble.”

Fielden’s editor’s note is titled “Why Your Ideological Echo Chamber Isn’t Just Bad For You”—with the subtitle, “it’s bad for your kids”

“That girl could go home,” Ryan recalls his mom saying, “slit the whole side of her cheek with a knife, and come to school Monday and say, ‘Hey, look what he did to me.’”

Ryan is convinced that if it had been a fight between two girls, things would’ve been different. He has this idea that since I’m a woman, if I were in the same situation, I could do whatever I wanted. I could pull out a knife and stab a guy, and I wouldn’t get in trouble.”

This kid’s take on hunting basically sums up the mentality of all these fucking dickheads.

The casting company that ran the audition told the Times: “[E]ach actor was asked to dance at the beginning of their audition as this was a way to show one’s level of confidence.

Riiiight!? This is the moment when you say, “this was a massive mistake and we have learned our lesson.” This company is run by absolute idiots.

“[E]ach actor was asked to dance at the beginning of their audition as this was a way to show one’s level of confidence.”

But that’s not all they are, which is the point, in my mind.  Chris Pratt is to his religious beliefs seems more like a Tom Cruise to Scientology thing.  Colbert makes fun of the church all the time.

“Daniel fast” is what my son says before he takes off running.

I move Chris O’Dowd replace Chris Pratt on the list of top Chrises.