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    I teach high school. A few years ago there was one boy who kept poking girls. They asked him to stop. I wrote him up. It was dismissed as not a big deal.

    I have fine hair with a little bit of wave and it’s all one length at the chin. Longer and it begins to look stringy and it doesn’t hold a style at all. 

    I find him annoying because while I understand his pushing eating fresh, healthy foods instead of so much processed food, he never seems to acknowledge that eating healthy can be both time-consuming and expensive and that’s simply not an option for many. But he comes in with his holier than thou attitude and I want to

    You honestly really have to hate yourself to marry a man who hates women so much.

    That entire article was so rage-inducing. And how many people knew it was going on and just ignored it. Seriously, rage-inducing

    One of my 7th graders today asked me if I had the Twilight series. I told her that I did not but the library does and then I directed her to some other books on my shelf. 

    I feel about the Markles how I feel about Aaron Rodgers and his family. Maybe there is some truth to the Markles and Aaron Rodgers’ family but only one side of each of theses arguments is constantly going to the press about how they are the mistreated ones. I think I’m always going to initially side with people who

    Honestly, this is one of the reasons that I won’t watch the next season and I love trashy reality tv. The virgin talk will be endless. And he’s super boring.

    I am here just to stan for Brenden Fraser’s The Mummy. It really is the perfect action movie with absolutely delightful performances and everyone should watch it.

    I’m teaching 7th grade for the first time in a long time and they asked me who my favorite Youtuber is.

    Because women only make decisions based on how the man in their life will react-negatively or positively-to them...or something like that.

    There is a wildlife refuge less than an hour from where I live where the buffalo run free.

    Well, they shouldn’t have to hug Aunt Edith if they don’t want to.

    I enjoyed firecrackers when I was a kid. Now, I wouldn’t spend that ridiculous amount of money on them and as for the big displays - meh. It’s hot as fuck, there are too many people and I used to live a few blocks away from  a minor league ballpark that did a firework show after every single home game during the

    The main character is such a Mary Sue. I can't with that nonsense. 

    One of my students competed in a speech competition a few years ago. She got first or second, I don’t really remember because the one thing that sticks in my brain is the one male judge who had one comment on his scoring sheet and it was that she should be wearing heels.

    I don’t think it romanticizes suicide. And it absolutely tries to do everything as too many shows try to do (I’m looking at you Riverdale and Scandal). I’d really love it to open up a dialogue with parents because approaching parents with possible mental health issues of their child is often met with anger and

    My biggest takeaway from the People article was that there is a Bachelor in Paradise Australia.

    We lock all but the front door for “safety.” You can still get out but not in.

    The vast majority of my mothers side. My sister and I often marvel about how we turned out so normal. But we’re also afraid we just think we are in comparison to them