Right?! Like, how dare he have a type he’s attracted to. I like slightly nerdy/awkward. The Seth Cohen’s of the world are my type.
Right?! Like, how dare he have a type he’s attracted to. I like slightly nerdy/awkward. The Seth Cohen’s of the world are my type.
I live and work amongst people who love to throw the word snowflake around and they, by far, have the thinnest skin and are the whiniest people on earth. And I teach middle school kids, I know whiners.
Apparently, this was a prankster who moved the sign for shits and giggles but I’ve been back to school for meetings for the past two days and yesterday someone brought up arming the teachers again and I just can’t with this stupid idea.
Yes. Plus, I would have some great discussions with one of my classes about The Challenge but they had the audacity to graduate and no one I know watches because I’m not in the MTV demographic
I’m constantly picking men for my niece to marry and on their list of attributes is how cool her future MIL would be because that is important
I’ve heard many rumors about her being bonkers but she was pretty charming on WWHL last night. Maybe she’d be fun to hang out with as long as you weren’t in a committed relationship with her.
It is an easy watch after a long day at work.
I screenshot it an sent it to my sister because I am way too caught up in the drama
He just seems like an immature douchebag. Gronk also comes off as not the most mature but he seems like he’d be fun for a minute. Bieber seems exhausting but I’d still do him.
I’d hatefuck Paul Ryan. I’d also do Rob Gronkowski and Justin Bieber with no shame. Okay, maybe a little shame on the latter. But Mooch, no way, no how.
The proliferation of cold shoulder tops make me want to lose my mind. I just want some cute tops that have sleeve that I can wear in my classroom
The only thing I remember about The Saint is Shue played a scientist and was giving a presentation in heels and those little kid socks pageant kids wear.
I feel for her too because I’ve been there. I know how it feels to hate how you look aND then be depressed and then eat some more because you feel bad. It’s a vicious cycle that’s tough to break.
I generally don’t like the non-Bravo celebrity WWHL. The Bravo “celebrities” are messy and I enjoy that whereas the actual celebrities tend to be more polished and boring.
Only reasonable if you have 30K a month to spend on it.
I cosign this. My grandmother was a hoarder, my mom is a hoarder and they both would constantly buy cap as gifts but never give them. We moved my mom a couple of years ago and there was so much stuff in boxes that had never been opened
My high school students lived this movie and I would have meltdowns on how he stole her life from her.
Sitting at the dealership because I had to get something on my car fixed and I’ll admit I’m cranky because it’s stupid hot outside and I had to leave my house.
Ramona never lied about someone having cancer because she thought her friends would be sympathetic and bring over food, etc.
He’s a petulant five-year-old in an old man’s body. He doesn’t get his way and he throws a hissy fit and then decidesome no one gets their way. Then he gets to pretend to drive a big truck and that pacified him for a moment.