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    99 percent of the clothes Kim Kardashian wears look like they are too small. It drives me bananas because she has so much money and access and it just looks off.

    My niece watched this show so I saw many episodes. I didn’t really like it but I quote this all the time.

    Oh me too, especially because I did stupid stuff with my BFF. But he’s an adult and should be beyond this social media or no.

    My parents watched this show. All I remember is cats. That’s a horrible way to end a show.

    I live in a small town and I feel this way a lot. Trust me, I’m not going to be offended if you don’t invite me. My feelings will not be hurt when I’m laying on the couch binging netflix instead of going to the baby shower.

    But he’s done so much and gotten away with it. He didn’t divest his business interests, installed his daughter in a job in the administration, gets caught admitting to sexually assaulting women, etc. And what’s happened to him so far?

    Ivanka is that girl at school who was a mean girl and laughed at kids when they got picked on and then went running to the teacher crying when someone said something slightly rude to her.

    My niece recently ate a 1000 year egg and she said it was disgusting. To be fair, she’d not a particularly adventurous eater. But I was telling a friend who will eat anything, including balut, and he won’t eat the century egg.

    This! The hatred directed toward this kid is sad. She needs actual therapy not the frap Dr. Phil peddles. And she needs to he surrounded by adults who are looking out for her and apparently she’said never had that as her mother is the one who brought her on that stupid show to begin with.

    The Fraser version of The Mummy is delightful. I don’t care what anyone says. It’s a great mixture of action and romance and comedy. And Fraser and Rachel Weisz are freaking delightful together. People who don’t like this movie are just wrong.

    A relative had out-patient surgery on her broken hand and her out of pocket costs were 4000. 2200 for delivery of a baby and a hospital stay is unheard of. At least in America.

    That too. He’s a multi-talented man.

    I live in Oklahoma* and I’m surrounded by Trump supporters. At a party, a man mentioned that he didn’t have insurance. He runs cattle, his wife is a teacher so he could easily get on her insurance but he refuses to. He just pays the penalty. I asked what happens if he gets in a catastrophic accident or that backache

    I have a pretty laid back classroom. I joke around with the kids. I know way more about some kids than I want to. I would never even think about icing awards like this or saying something like this to them. You can think of something positive to say about even the most difficult students

    I have a family member who died because he was an alcoholic. His relationship with his wife was a toxic relationship. They were separated and she came back and took care if him while he was dying. She readily admits that their relationship was toxic and not just because of his addiction but because of her anger at his

    Sometimes, I feel like I just see the bad side of humanity because my first thought was a he married her for fodder for a new book.

    My brother regularly makes the argument that we should privatize education because corporations are much better at running things. I guess we just ignore all of Trump’s bankruptcies, bailing out the auto industry and the banking industry nuking the economy.

    Because jobs and well, basically that’s the only argument I hear. I don’t understand how it’ll cost jobs but I also live in a state where people say we have to give the gas and oil companies tax breaks so they’ll stay here and we won’t lose jobs.

    I live in Oklahoma and am surrounded by hunters. My students are often shocked that I’ve never been hunting (or shot a gun). And yet, so many people are celebrating Trump pulling out of Paris.

    This! But now, it’s not shameful to be someone who is full of hate for basically everyone except white people. White women* and poor white people are going to be shocked when they find out that this group hates them as well. If I were going on a nationally televised show, I’d sanitize my social media.**