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    I too would never wish harm on his family or him really even though he’s a “bad” guy as he is grossly manipulative.

    My problem with the program is that processed foods is cheaper and a lot of schools had problems staying within the parameters, serve healthful food and give kids enough so they weren’t hungry with very little money.

    There are people who sincerely think he fired him because of the reasons he’s given. There could be video of him selling state secrets to the Russians and he won’t lose support. He could say he’s colluding with Russia and people (including reps and senators ) will still support him. It’s baffling.

    I think he just really loves it when actors are willing to spill about other actors. I’m sure he’s just thinking of all the social media exposure.

    I hatemailed promposals. I really hate when kids want to show me the video of their promposal and I have to pretend to be interested.

    She could be the good Trump though and that’s why she doesn’t get a seat in the White House.

    And yet, there are people who will believe it and run with it because they love Trump. There are still Trump supporters and that blows my mind. One of my coworkers said yesterday that they loved what Trump has done so far. I don’t know what they loved (his blatantly unconstitutional or morally reprehensible actions)

    On the one hand, it’s absolutely ridiculous that someone has to call the president of another country to intervene is bonkers. But at least there’s at least one person who hasn’t lost their ever-loving mind in the white house.

    Personally, I think Atlanta is the best looking cast out of all the housewives shows and I watch them all because they are my crack.

    Everything he said last week was calculated to hurt Cynthia. That was his sole purpose.

    I flove this movie. It really is impeccable

    Most of them are just ugly. They could be pretty and revealing but no, just ugly

    I unabashedly love Miley Cyrus’ music so I’m excited for the new album. Hopefully, it doesn’t suck as much as all her horrible tattoos.

    If Sarah were that smart, she would’ve known with 100% certainty that Johnny was taking all the money a couple of seasons ago.

    CT wearing Johnny like a backpack remains the best thing to ever happen on the show. Second is Sarah’s shock that Johnny stole the money a couple of years ago.

    Cory is the worst for all the reasons you outlined. He can’t hack the challenges and has gotten lucky.

    I sincerely love TJ and how much he makes fun of their stupidity or when they quit.

    Right?! They are always the best episodes because some of these people are the dumbest. The dumbest.

    When the producers called them back and told them it was on the wrong pole, I laughed so much. I thought TJ’s “you guys were terrible” was the best part, but no that was magnificent.

    I’m fascinated by the world of influencers. How much do people buy that justifies paying them? Who buys the stuff random people peddle on instgram? I’m an old, so I don’t get it but I’m endlessly fascinstead by this industry.