
So, I knew nothing about this until now. Clicked the link and saw they were from MALVERN, PA. If you know anything about the Philadelphia area, you know that this makes it all 1000 times worse. (Malvern is a part of the Main Line, a place where living in not a mansion makes you a poor)

SAME! Except we used to shorten it a bit to “peenie-wrinkle,” which rolls off the tongue a bit easier.

People who use the bible as a reason/excuse often, perhaps unsurprisingly, have actually read very little of it.

haha well, there was the time in Liverpool where I met 2 awesome dudes at The Phil who had actually heard of the tiny town in PA where I’m from, then took me to a psychedelic rock festival. Then there was the time in Galway where I SWEAR one of the Fairy Folk came out of nowhere to help my drunk ass find a cab at 3am.

I had the same problem a few years ago with England. Finally, I just said FUCK IT and went alone. Could not have had a better time, so now I just travel alone by choice. Best thing ever. I’m actually headed to Scotland solo in about 3 weeks. :)

And now all I can think of is My Big Fat Greek Wedding ... “Oh, a vegetarian? I make lamb.” :)

I spent about 10 years as a full ovo-lacto vegetarian and the following 10 years as a pescetarian because anemia sucks. I *still* tell most people I’m a vegetarian because very few meat eaters understand the difference between veggie & vegan, let alone anything more nuanced, but sweet gentle baby Jesus. Fish is not a

I’ll just leave this here ...

*Massholes. The term is Massholes. :)

mehhhh.... people commute from the Philadelphia area to Manhattan for work. Head west in PA and it turns into a completely different story.

This was an episode of Veronica Mars! ... and I spent about 15 seconds trying to find a video before I gave up, so here:

You just made me laugh out loud at my desk when I'm supposed to be doing work that isn't reading BCO.

Don't forget that their roofs are thatched with gold!

This was seriously bugging the crap out of me and I only came down to the comments in hopes that I wasn't the only one.

I thought about this, too. I was old for my grade (just missed the cutoff date) and graduated at 18, starting my freshman year of college at 19. I'd want to argue that this kid is just none too bright and got held back, but then they threw in that awesome "He's a fan of the classics!" plot twists ... kids who get

I've been some form of non-meat-eater for the last 20 years (since I was 13, the only meat I've intentionally eaten has been fish or seafood and that's only been within the last 10 years or so). I've accidentally eaten chicken and had no digestive problems at all. I've also accidentally eaten food with bacon drippings

I want to be best friends with you both! I used to watch The Last Unicorn basically daily as a kid and I now have like 4 copies of it because, when it was first released on DVD, people kept buying it for me, thinking they were being clever.

Of course, I always end up quoting everyone BUT the unicorn — most often the

I ordered a skirt a few weeks ago. When it arrived, I immediately went to try it on to make sure it would fit the way wanted. As I was zipping it up for the VERY FIRST TIME, the zipper broke. Just came apart in that way that can't be fixed, but has to be replaced. So my super-sale $25 skirt became a $45 skirt because

THIS. I briefly worked at a coffee shop that also roasted their own. The number of people who would come in, order a macchiato, then immediately complain about it was infuriating. Also, I can't begin to count the number of people who would come in and ask why we didn't offer frappucinos.

Stop. Just stop. We really don't need anyone else giving us a WORSE name.